#frat boy tom holland fanfiction
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The Way That You Were
Pairing: fratboy!Peter Parker x reader
Synopsis: you and Peter reunite at a college party and discover he is no longer the sweet nerd you knew in high school
“I’m gonna pee.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” Your friend asked you over the sound of the music of the party.
“I’ll be fine. But hold my drink, please.” You kindly requested and handed her your red solo cup.
“Have fun.” She called after you as you left for the bathroom. You adjusted your dress and leaned against the wall as you waited on the bathroom line. You looked around the frat house you were in and decided the walls were not actually something you wanted to lean against.
“God damn. If your ass blew me away I cannot wait to see your face.” A voice suddenly came from behind you. You scrunched your face in disgust and turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Your eyes met a boy in a backwards hat with curls spilling out of it on either side. But what made you lose your breath was the fact that you recognized the eyes staring back at you. The smug grin on the boys face instantly dropped when he recognized you as well.
“Peter? Peter Parker?” You asked and felt your heart ache just a little. You both slowly processed what he had just said and he turned a bright red.
“Y/n?” He asked in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“My friend invited me. What were you saying about my face?” You asked and folded your arms.
“Nothing. Something stupid.” He said quickly before breaking into a smile. He suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. You blinked in surprise and hesitantly patted his back.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He said into your ear.
“Neither can I.” You laughed dryly as you pulled out of the hug. You stepped back and took a moment to take him in. His arms were much bigger than you remembered from back in high school and you had a full view of them in his white cut off tank top. Everything about his outfit was different from his typical style, down to the shoes he was wearing. You would’ve thought he was wearing a costume if he didn’t look so natural.
“God, look at you.” He sighed as he looked you up and down. A dopey smile remained on his face and he shook his head as if he trying to shake a thought out of his mind.
“Me? Look at you. You look so different. What are you doing at a party like this?” You wondered.
“Oh, this is my frat house. We throw parties like this every weekend.” He replied and you laughed. He didn’t laugh with you and you realized he wasn’t joking.
“You live here?“ You asked as your eyes darted to the poster of a girl in a bikini riding a beer can barely covering a hole in the wall.
“That’s not mine.” Peter said quickly.
“The hole or the poster?”
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked to change the subject.
“I’m kinda waiting for something.” You laughed awkwardly and nodded towards the bathroom door.
“After? I’ll wait.” He offered. He seemed very eager to talk to you and you couldn’t deny that you had been desperate to talk to him ever since you graduated high school.
“Okay.” You agreed. “Sure.”
“Wait, don’t use that bathroom. It’s probably disgusting. It’s actually most definitely disgusting. I have a bathroom in my room. It’s much cleaner. Come on.” He said and nodded towards the stairs.
“Oh. Okay.” You looked around at who was watching before following him up the stairs. You stayed close behind him until the two of you reached his bedroom. You would never normally follow a guy up to his bedroom at a party without telling anyone where you were going but you grew up with Peter so you trusted him. You entered his bedroom and you discreetly took a look around. You’d been to his apartment in high school and were saddened to see his posters of the periodic table and Star Wars were replaced with patched up holes in the wall and a poster of Goodfellas next to a tapestry that said “Saturdays are for boys” over an American flag.
“I’ll guard the door.” Peter told you as he showed you where the bathroom was.
“Thank you.” You shot him a smile before going inside. Peter’s bathroom was much more akin to the Peter you once knew. You smiled at the miscellaneous artifacts on his bathroom counter and did what you came to do before leaving.
“Hey.” You smiled awkwardly at him when you left the bathroom.
“Hey.” He smiled back. “I kinda can’t believe you just used my bathroom.”
“I kinda can’t believe you have pink hand towels and Darth Vader shampoo.”
“Hey, hey, hey. That’s not Darth Vader. It’s the Mandelorian.” He corrected. “And they’re only pink because I washed them with my Chiefs jersey.”
“You own a jersey?” You raised at eyebrow at him.
“I do now that Taylor Swift said it’s okay to watch football.”
“You still listen to Taylor?” You smiled in surprise.
“Obviously. I was listening to Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus while I pregamed for this party.”
“Jesus.” You chuckled. “Who hurt you?”
“I just like the line about wondering.” He laughed as well but didn’t meet your eyes.
“So do I.” You admitted and he finally looked at you. You shared a moment of lingering eye contact accompanied by a comfortable silence. He looked different, and not just because of his outfit. He looked older. His baby face had hardened and he looked more like a man now and not the boy you once knew. But as different as he was, his eyes were the same. So was his laugh. And despite the years that had gone by without you seeing each other, you slipped right back into your friendship.
“Can I make you that drink now?” Peter asked after a beat.
“Okay.” You smiled and he slung his arm around your shoulders.
“Stay close to me. The people that come to these parties haven’t had all their vaccines.” He whispered in your ear as he led you back downstairs.
“I will.” You laughed and felt relieved his sense of humor was still in tact. A few people from Peter’s school turned to look at the two of you as you made your way to the kitchen but Peter didn’t seem to notice.
“This is the kitchen. All the healthy cereals are mine.” Peter said proudly and pointed to a box of Mini Wheats on top of the refrigerator.
“By healthy do you mean the frosted strawberry Mini Wheats?”
“Those really hit after a nightmare.” He insisted. “Plus, strawberry is a fruit and wheat is good for you. God, what do they teach girls in school?”
“Not the important stuff, apparently.” You laughed and he smiled as he caught your eyes. He pulled out a fresh red solo cup and got some ice.
“Do you still like Shirley temples?” He asked you.
“Yeah. You remember that?”
“Of course I do. I remember making makeshift ones out of sprite and strawberry syrup at Ned’s Halloween party Junior year because you told me they were your favorite.”
“Those were not bad.” You recalled. “Or maybe they just tasted better because I was 17 and drunk for the first time.”
“That was my first time drinking too. White Claw does not taste as good on the way out as it does the way in.” Peter grimaced and grabbed a beer from the ice bucket on the counter. You watched him crack it open with ease and felt an ache of nostalgia for those few nights of getting drunk as teenagers off alcohol from 7/11 that someone’s older brother bought.
“But I see you’ve outgrown White Claw.”
“Yeah. My friends and I pretty much only drink beer.” Peter nodded and took a swig of it.
“Don’t you worry about getting a…” You trailed off when Peter lifted his shirt to wipe his mouth with, giving you a full view of his abdomen. Peter’s sweaters and nerdy t shirts never let on that he was carved by the gods underneath his clothing.
“Beer gut.” You barely got the words out and blinked a few times to get back into reality.
“I seriously can’t believe you’re here. I always wondered what happened to you after high school.” Peter admitted as he made your drink for you.
“I know. I dropped my phone on the subway tracks a few years back and got a new number. But I always wondered about you too.” You told him.
“You did?” He smiled in relief.
“Of course I did. I tried to find you on social media but I couldn’t find anything.
“Yeah. I never really got the hang of it. I did try to find you in a phone book once. But the librarian called me a nerd and told me to go back to the 90s.” Peter replied, making you laugh.
“Well that wasn’t very nice of them.” You said.
“No it was not. So I am very pleased that I find you in my house tonight. That’s why I made you the most delicious Shirley Temple in the world.” Peter said and proudly held out the red solo cup.
“Oh, my. Thank you.” You giggled and accepted the cup from him. You took a sip and felt your eyes water.
“Jesus Christ. Is there any Sprite in here or just vodka?” You said through a cough.
“Sorry. That was out of habit. My boys and I are heavy pourers.” Peter sound genuinely apologized and added more Sprite to your cup to make it less strong.
“It’s all right.” You shrugged. “So I have to ask you, how come you’re no longer at MIT?”
Peter looked a little frightened when you mentioned MIT and quickly looked over his shoulder. He stepped closer to you and looked around again.
“I wasn’t happy there so I transferred last semester.” He said in a quiet voice.
“Why are we whispering?” You whispered back through a light laugh.
“People here don’t really know that I was like that.” He admitted and looked a little disappointed to even be saying it.
“Like what? Smart?” You asked at full volume. He looked around again and waved his hand in dismissal.
“I’m still smart. I just don’t let my boys know that.” He told you, making you raise your eyebrows in surprise.
“Your boys?” You laughed dryly.
“You know. My frat brothers.” He explained and gestured to the party.
“Right, right. I think I met a few tonight when I walked in on their farting contest and they asked me to join. Do you still talk to Ned?”
“Oh, no.” Peter shook his head. “We kept in touch for a while after high school but we kinda fell off somewhere after I transferred here.”
“Wow, really? You guys were so close. I thought you’d be friends forever.”
“Yeah. I guess I did too.” Peter realized and stared down the barrel of his beer bottle.
“Are you still studying biochemistry?” You asked him. “It was biochemistry, right?”
“It was. But now I’m undeclared. I’m not really sure what I want to do anymore.”
“Really? But you’re so smart. You were the smartest guy I ever met. You still are.”
“I’m not that smart.” He laughed and shyly rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes you are.” You insisted. “You always knew the answer to every question before I even processed what was being asked.”
“You’re smart too. In an original way that I still think about.” He replied, catching you by surprise. You took a sip to your cup for a little bravery and looked into his eyes.
“You still think about me?” You asked him with a coy smile.
“I do. All the time.” He answered without breaking eye contact. You sucked in a sharp breath and he smirked before moving same hair off your forehead. His hand stayed on your face and you felt your heart rate start to pick up. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him, it was that you had always wanted to kiss him. Now that he was standing in front of you and it might actually happen, you felt too nervous.
“Where are your glasses?” You blurted and ruined the moment. Before Peter could respond, me of his frat brothers walked in and clapped Peter’s on the back.
“Glasses? What’s this bird talking about, Parker?” He asked as he slung an arm around Peter and roughed him up a little.
“Shut up, Flash. She’s not a bird. She’s my friend from high school.” Peter defended you angrily and pushed the boy off.
“Oh shit. This isn’t the chick you were in love with, is it?” Flash gasped and looked at you.
“Who were you in love with?” You immediately asked Peter and felt a little jealous bubble up inside you.
“No, dumb ass. That was a different girl. This is Y/n. Don’t call her a chick either. Thats just another kind of bird.” Peter grumbled. Flash gave you an unapologetic once over before smirking.
“Nice to meet you, sweetie. I’m Flash. I hope you’re enjoying the party. But I do have to ask that you keep it down later because my room is right next to his and I have an 8 am class tomorrow.”
“Don’t, man.” Peter warned.
“Keep what down?” You wondered.
“Well, you know. Parker has girls in there so often I had to start charging them rent. Especially because they drink all the orange juice in the morning. And they tend to keep me up all night due to all the bed squeaking, so I ask that you’re considerate of the class I have tomorrow.” Flash said to you. You gulped and looked to Peter for an explanation, but Peter was busy glaring at Flash.
“Shut the fuck up, okay? Like you even go to class.” Peter scoffed. “Get out of here. Go drink some water. And take a bath. You stink.”
“All right. Just go easy on her, okay Parker? She seems like a nice girl. She deserves to be able to walk out of here in the morning.” Flash clapped him on the back again and you let out a shocked laugh.
“Fuck off. Now.” Peter demanded. Flash held up his hands and shot you a wink before walking away. You looked to Peter for an explanation for what just occurred. You have never heard him swear before and definitely never heard him get angry with someone like that. You also couldn’t help but wonder if there was any truth to what Flash had said about all the girls Peter slept with. You knew it shouldn’t bother you, but the Peter you knew had never even had his first kiss. Something about the guy you’d always pined after going from never being kissed to a guy with a long line of girls leaving his bedroom made your tummy hurt.
“I’m sorry about him. He’s such a dick sometimes.” Peter apologized to you.
“Yeah. I picked up on that.” You laughed nervously.
“Why’d don’t we get out of here? It’s too loud.” Peter’s said and gestured to the rest of the part. You sucked in a sharp breath and thought back to what Flash had just said. As much as you’d wondered about Peter, you were not ready to “get out of here” with him.
“I should probably get back to my friend.” You answered. Peter smiled politely and nodded in understanding but felt disappointed that your time together was ending.
“I’ll help you find her.” He offered and you agreed. You brought him to where you last saw her and found her making out with someone on the couch.
“Oh!” You said in surprise but your friend didn’t come up for sit.
“I think she’s okay for now.” Peter joked.
“I guess she is.” You agreed.
“Do you want to take a walk?” He asked and you felt relieved that he wasn’t asking to go back upstairs.
“Sure. I could use some air.” You agreed and followed him outside. The two of you walked down the sidewalk together and Peter stayed on the side facing the street to keep you from stumbling into it on accident. It felt easy to talk to him despite the years of being apart from each other and the longer you talked, the more you realized he hadn’t changed all that much. Sure, he swore a lot more now and made some dumb jokes, but his character was the same.
“Are you cold?” He asked you at one point.
“No. I’m okay. The fresh air feels good.”
“Good. Because I don’t have a jacket to offer you. But I would give you my jacket if I had one.”
“I appreciate that.” You laughed and looked over at him.
“So how long are you visiting your friend for?” He asked you.
“I go back to school on Tuesday.”
“So soon?” He stopped walking and frowned.
“Yeah. I’m just here for the long weekend.”
“Oh, shit, really? I was hoping we’d have more time together. I’d really love to see you again. Maybe we can get dinner tomorrow or something.”
“I don’t know.” You laughed nervously and folded your arms out of self consciousness.
“Why not?” He asked, sounding a little hurt.
“It was really good to see you again tonight. But I don’t think we have anything in common anymore, Pete.” You admitted without looking at him.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. Look at us. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I don’t know if we’d get along anymore. Not like we did in high school, anyway.”
“Just because it’s been a long time doesn’t mean we won’t get along. We have history together. I’m still the guy you competed with in the decathlon.” He insisted. You looked up at him and stared at him under the light of the streetlight. He sounded like the guy you once knew, but he looked and acted so different now.
“Are you?” You asked quietly. Peter blinked a few times and smiled sadly.
“You don’t think so?”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look great and you seem happy with where you are now.”
“But?” He asked, sensing there was more. You smiled sympathetically because there was in fact more and it wasn’t exactly nice.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m just a little surprised to see you tonight. I always wondered about you and assumed you were halfway to becoming a scientist or Nobel prize winner by now. I never expected all this.”
“All what?” He asked, sounding a little annoyed now.
“You know. Frat boy. Undeclared. Chugging beer. Long line of girls coming out of your room…” You trailed off and looked down at the ground again.
“Flash was joking about that. The only time I’ve had a girl in my room was when we had to get a maid after the New Year’s party because there was an unidentified goo on the floors. I’m still me.” He insisted and stepped closer to you. You still didn’t look up at him because you didn’t want to say what you were about to say.
“You commented on my ass.” You said quietly. You didn’t see it, but Peter’s face dropped. He had felt annoyed that you were judging him until he remembered his opening line to you tonight was about your body. He felt guilty for reducing a girl he knew so well to an object for him to comment on.
“I’m sorry about that. I really am.” He apologized. “I’m way drunk right now and not using my head.
“The guy I knew in high school was not the kind of guy who says things like that to girls.” You said and finally looked into his eyes. To your surprise, he looked genuinely apologetic.
“I know. I’m not like those guys. I swear, I never normally say things like that. I’m drunk and a fucking idiot. I’ve made a total ass of myself all night. What can I do?”
“Peter, it’s fine. I’m not here to judge you. And you don’t owe me anything. I’m being stupid anyway. I’m not the same person I was in high school so I don’t know why I expected you to be. Thats not fair to you. I guess I’m just little drunk and upset I never got to see my Peter again.”
“Your Peter?” Peter asked with a sad smile.
“Come on, Peter. I was crazy about you back then. The whole school knew. By senior year, everyone had figured it out but you. And I always regretted not telling you. So I’d fantasize about all the cool things you were doing in college. This just isn’t what thought it would be like when we found each other again.”
“For me either.” He admitted as he stared at you starry eyed.
“I liked you too. You were the girl Flash was talking about. I was in love with you in high school.” He confessed. You knew you should be happy to hear that but all you could think of was the wasted potential of a relationship that never got to happen.
“You never told me.” You said softly.
“How could I?“ He laughed. “You were so beautiful I could barely get an intelligent word out when you were around. You still are. And I still can’t.”
“I wish I knew. Now I’m always gonna wonder what would have happened if I had just told you how I felt.” You smiled sadly.
“So will I.” He said as his eyes filled with sadness. You stared at each other for a moment with the quiet understanding that at one point you wanted the same thing at the same time.
“Maybe we don’t have to wonder.” Peter said after a beat.
“What do you mean?” You asked him. Peter stepped closer suddenly and tilted your chin up with his pinky.
“Please.” He pleaded. “Just give me one night. I’ll take you to dinner and prove I’m still me.”
“And suppose you do.” You shrugged. “I’m only here for the weekend. What does it matter anyway?”
“It matters to me. Because I’ve always wanted you. Even if I just get one night.”
“Peter, I’m not trying to be one of your girls.” You shook your head and stepped away from him.
“I told you. There are no girls. You are the only girl who has ever taken my breath away. I never stopped thinking about you after high school. Just give me one chance.” He asked and pulled you back into his arms. You stared into his eyes for a moment and found yourself unable to say no.
“Please.” He whispered and sounded irresistibly desperate. You could see his gaze dropping to your lips and felt your heartbeat pick up again. But this time, you didn’t feel nervous.
“I shouldn’t.” You said quietly.
“But don’t you want to stop wondering and know for certain?” He asked, and you nodded. Your eyes fluttered shut and just as you were expecting his lips to meet yours, he cupped your face and kissed your cheek.
“I’m not going to kiss you tonight. Because I’m drunk. And you’re not.” He said when you looked at him in confusion. You were disappointed to not be kissed but smiled knowing he made the responsible decision.
“Oh. Yeah. Good call.” You cleared your throat and stepped out of his embrace.
“But I will be on my best behavior tomorrow for our date.” He assured you.
“I never actually agreed to a date.” You smiled coyly. Peter grinned and pulled you back into his arms and let his hands rest on your hips.
“You agreed when you closed your eyes to kiss me.” He said with his face close to yours. You gulped again but never broke eye contact with him.
“You’re kinda an asshole now.” You teased him.
“Yeah, but in a good way.” He shrugged, making you laugh.
“We’ll see.” You said pointedly. Peter pulled put his phone and handed it to you.
“We will see.” He insisted. “Here. Put your new number in. And don’t drop it on the subway this time.”
“I won’t.” You playfully rolled your eyes and typed your number into his phone. When you handed it to him, your hands touched as he took it back.
“You better not.” He said and slipped his fingers into yours as he pocketed his phone. You stared into his big brown eyes and felt like you were right back in high school.
“You could kiss me, if you wanted to. I had a drink too.” You said in a soft voice.
“I do want to. But I’ll save it for when my lips don’t taste like cheap beer.” He said with a smirk. He leaned in and kissed your cheek one more time before walking you back to the house. You stepped inside the frat house and just as your friend was heading to the door.
“Hey. The guy I was making out with tried to explain the stock market to me and laughed when I said I’m an economics major. I’m over this party. Are you ready to head out?” She asked you as she slung her purse over her shoulder.
“Oh, yeah. We can go.” You replied and felt disappointed to leave Peter so soon.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned down and whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Goodnight.” You said as you turned around to see him.
“Goodnight.” He replied and cupped your chin one more time.
Ten minutes after Peter said he would pick you up, he still wasn’t there. You checked your phone for the hundredth time as saw the minutes adding up. You should have known it was all too good to be true and he wasn’t the exception he claimed to be. He joined a frat and they poisoned the once sweet boy you knew. Just as you were about to go inside, Peter sped down your block and rolled down the window.
“I’m late. I’m sorry.” Peter called out the open window. Since he didn’t even bother to get out of the car, you got off the front steps you were sitting on and bent down to look at him through the window.
“I was starting to think you weren’t coming.” You said and didn’t try to hide your annoyance.
“I’m sorry.” He said and pouted. “God damn. You look hot.”
You opened your mouth to scold him for objectifying you once again but he wasn’t done yet.
“I’m so sorry I was late. I bet you spent a long time getting ready dry. And I’m sure you’ve been waiting for a long time. I remember you saying you get ready with time to spare and sit by the door until the person picking you up gets there so they don’t have to wait outside for long. And I’m an asshole and came late.”
You had planned to walk away and go back inside to punish him for being late, but you just couldn’t. Him remembering that little detail about you combined with the way he looked in his jersey made you want to stay.
“Well maybe I’ve changed.” You said pointedly as you climbed into his car.
“You have. High school you didn’t wear rings or have sexy red nails. But I figured some things would stay the same. Hello.” He greeted and leaned in to kiss your cheek. You felt your face burning and turned away so he wouldn’t see your smile.
“I thought some things would stay the same too. Yet I met you last night with a backwards cap on. The Peter I knew wouldn’t never be caught dead in a hat. Let alone one representing a sports team.” You teased him.
“It’s not actually a sports team. Look.” Peter took his eyes off the road to reach into his backseat and get his hat. He handed it to you and your eyes widened.
“Oh my God.” You said as you turned over your old black hat you got at the Gap freshman year.
“You let me borrow that at the senior skip day at the beach because I forgot sunblock.” Peter recalled. “And when I tried to give it back to you, you said I could keep it since it looked better on me.”
“It did.” You smiled fondly at the memory.
“I wear it all the time now because I don’t know how to do my curly hair now that it’s longer.”
“I like it longer.” You told him. “But I also liked your short gelled look. With your cute little button downs and sweaters.”
“Yeah. I outgrew those.” He chuckled. “I started working out more and they looked silly on me once I got bigger. Then Flash showed me how to cut my shirts to show off my arms.”
“Yeah. I can’t imagine those arms in a little sweater.” You agreed.
“What about my arms?” He looked over at you with a smirk.
“Nothing.” You said coyly. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“It’s a surprise. But I’ll give you a hint. You wrote about it in your letter to your college self.”
“What?” You laughed in surprise. “Do you have a photographic memory of something? I don’t remember anything I wrote in that.”
“I told you. I was in love with you.” He said and looked over at you. You locked eyes and smiled until a car hocked at him for drifting into their lane.
“How come you’re so comfortable saying it now yet I had no idea back in high school?” You wondered. Then Peter got a text and pulled out his phone to read it. You eyed him but didn’t say anything as he replied to the text while driving. You’d never been in a car with him behind the wheel before and it was starting to make you a little nervous.
“I don’t know. You’re different too.” He answered finally. “I can tell from looking at you. So I guess I don’t feel like I’m telling the girl I was in love with how I feel because I don’t really know you anymore. It makes it less scary.”
“I didn’t think about it like that. You’re right. I guess we don’t know each other anymore.” You said with a sad smile.
“I want to, though. Because you seem like a cooler version of the girl I liked in high school. Who was already cool.” He said and looked over at you again. You smiled at his compliment and stopped worrying about hai driving for a moment.
“I have so many questions for you.” You to him.
“Why’d you leave MIT?”
“I don’t know. It wasn’t what I thought it would be. I realized I was a big fish in a small pond back in high school. Everyone seemed so much smarter and more experienced than I was. I felt so alone all the time. So I drove home one night and never looked back.”
“Yeah. I get that. I was always told I was a smart kid growing up and then I just felt so burnt out in college. At least you know you got into MIT and gave it your all.
“Thank you for saying that. I like the way you see things. I’ve been missing your perspective in my life.” He told you and you felt your face heat up again.
“How’d you end up at your new school?” You said to distract him from how flustered he made you.
“They had offered me a full ride if I joined the academic decathlon team. Which I do in secret. Don’t tell my frat please.” He chuckled and looked at you to see if you’d keep his secret. You feigned a smile and internally missed the boy who was a proud captain of the decathlon team.
“How’d you end up in a frat anyway? That seems so opposite of your personality.”
“It kinda happened by accident. I was in a group project with Flash and he invited me to a party after I did his half of the work. And it wasn’t the worst once I had something to drink so I started going to more parties. And then I started drinking a lot. I made friends with a lot of frat guys that Flash knew I so ended up pledging.” He shrugged. You nodded your head but were less than impressed with his story. You and Peter had shared many conversations about not wanting to be at the parties you were never invited to anyway back in high school and now he was the one throwing them.
“I still can’t wrap my head around you being in a frat. I really never imagined you’d be into something like that.”
“How did you imagine me?” He asked with a coy smile.
“I imagined you’d be student teaching a biochemistry class and have a devoted fan base of nerdy students who hung on your every word like in Dead Poets Society. And you’d have circular glasses and wear ties and cardigans like Spencer Reid.
“Wow, Dead Poets Society. I totally forgot about that movie. I haven’t seen it in forever.”
“Really? I thought it was your favorite movie?”
“It used to be. I just watched this movie last week where Seth Rogan and one of the Franco brothers were smoking weed and then they witnessed this murder so they were worried the murder was gonna find them-“ Peter started laughing as he remembered the plot but stopped when he noticed you weren’t laughing along with him. The plot was far from the science fiction films he used to talk extensively about during lunch in an effort to convince you to watch them. It wasn’t much, just another reminder of how different he was from when you knew him.
“It was stupid. Anyways.” He changed the subject. “What have you been up to lately? How’s school?”
“School is good.” You shrugged. “I don’t know how I’ll ever work a job once I graduate because now having one class at 12 pm drains me for the remainder of the day, but I enjoy it. I like the freedom.”
“Good, good. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I like the freedom too. I can eat macaroni at any hour and no one can tell me otherwise. And your friends are nice?”
“Yeah. I’ve found a good group of girls. It was really lonely at first like you said but I eventually found my people. It’s been a lot better now.” You answered as your eyes watching his thumbs type something on his phone. You looked at him in confusion but he was too busy switching back and forth between watching the road and texting to notice.
“I totally get that. I ate alone so many times that I started it get used to it. But it gets better when you find a few good people to spend time with.” He said after a minute. You nodded your head and tried not to be bothered by how distracted he was.
“Are your frat brothers good people?”
“I know you probably have a million and one presuppositions about frat guys but I promise we’re not as bad as you’ve been told. Lots of frats are crazy and have those worst kind of guys in it but were not like that. We have a no bullshit policy.” He informed you.
“Oh yeah? What kind of bullshit do you not tolerate?”
“All sorts of bullshit. We just kicked a guy out last week because he cheated on his girlfriend. And we banned the girl from our parties because she knew he had a girlfriend and slept with him anyway. We do not tolerate that kind of bullshit. Plus, Flash told me they once found out a guy was a bully in high school so they took turns farting on his pillow and then he got severe pink eye and had to drop out of school for the semester. Isn’t that hilarious?”
“That’s nice to hear. Except for the fart stuff. That’s really gross. But not tolerating bullshit is cool. I guess I assumed all frat guys were Brads and Chads who chugged beers and creeped on girls. And I assumed that because a frat guy at my school had sex with a pumpkin and put it on his Snapchat story.”
“Ew, what?” Peter laughed. “Who uses Snapchat still?”
“That’s the part you found gross? Damn, how many pumpkins are you having sex with?” You teased him.
“A gentleman never tells.” Peter said poshly, making you laugh. He got another text and pulled out his phone to read it.
“Peter-“ You began.
“I can’t believe you’re in my car. Do you know how many times I tried to awkwardly ask you out in high school? But I was so vague you never realized? And now you’re just in my car and you smell amazing and I barely had to do anything.” He cut you off and grinned at you as he put his phone down. Every time you got annoyed with his behavior, he pulled you back in some compliment.
“Thank you. It’s my perfume.” You smiled and held your wrist out. Peter caught it with ease and held your wrist to his nose.
“Oh, wow. I like that.” He complimented. “Usually I wake up and walk into a cloud of axe body spray in every area of the house. You’re a nice relief from that.”
“Thank you. You smell good too.” You chuckled.
“Thanks. I stole Flash’s expensive cologne.”
“For me?” You gasped and touched your heart.
“Hell yeah.” He scoffed. “I’ve been waiting on this date since I was 14.”
“I never said this was a date.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“I’m pretty sure you did.” He said and dragged the word “pretty” out.
“You would have been on time if it was.” You teased him, making him look at you with narrowed eyes.
“Okay, yes, I was late.” He admitted. “But I had good reason.”
“And what was that reason?”
“I was setting something up.” He said simply.
“Really?” You smiled. “What is it?”
“You’ll see.” He said coyly.
“Okay. Weirdo.” You chuckled. “So, where are we eating?”
“I know this great burger place a few blocks from here. You’re gonna love it.” He replied. You nodded and head and smiled until he pulled out his phone again to answer another text. His car swerved into the other lane and he barely noticed, making you shoot him a look.
“Who are you texting?” You finally asked him.
“Nobody. One second.” He answered as his eyes flipped back and forth between his phone and the road. He started to drift again and a car honked at him as it passed by to get away.
“Peter, you really need to keep your eyes on the road.” You said as another car shouted something at him out their window.
“What was that?” Peter asked and looked up from his phone. You looked at him incredulously and let out a short laugh.
“If you have someone else you’d like to be talking to right now, maybe you should go be with them.”
“Woah, woah, woah. Babe, chill. I don’t have anyone else. I want to be here with you.” He insisted.
“Don’t call me “babe”. Its condescending. And you’re putting both our lives in danger because you’re so busy texting. And if you want to be with me, why are you so distracted by your phone?”
“I just needed to respond to something. Sorry. I won’t do it anymore.” He grumbled and put his phone away. His lack of an apology and heavy attitude in his voice was the final straw for you.
“Just pull over.” You told him.
“What? No. We’re almost there. I won’t text anymore.” He promised.
“Peter, pull over.” You said sternly. “I do not want to be in this car anymore.”
“I’m trying to take you on a nice date and you’re gonna bail because I answered a few texts?”
“Pull the damn car over.” You raised your voice. Peter rolled his eyes and pulled over to the side of the street.
“Before you get out-“ He began. Just then, his phone rang with a girls name on his screen and his face dropped. You raised your eyebrows at him and he smiled sheepishly.
“Answer it.” You dared him. Peter gulped and looked between you and the phone before picking it up.
“I’m sorry. One second.” He said and answered the phone. You scoffed in disbelief and glared at him as he took the call.
“Hello? No, I’m not doing anything. I can talk. What’s going on?” He asked into the phone. You had seen enough and got out of the car and started walking down the street. Peter watched you get out and opened his car door to talk to you.
“Where are you going?” He called after you.
“Peter, I’m not gonna sit here while you text other girls. I’m leaving.” You answered and continued down the street. He quickly explained his situation over the phone and hung up before running after you.
“Wait, please don’t leave. I’ll put my phone away.” He promised but you didn’t stop walking.
“You can text whoever you want. I don’t care. You’re just not gonna do it and think you can still take me on a date.” You told him before storming off. You turned the corner and started heading towards a nearby park.
“Wait.” Peter called after you so you walked even faster. He eventually caught up and caught you gently by the arm.
“Damn, you’re fast for a girl in heels.” He said as he caught his breath. You pulled your arm away from him and went into the park to get away from him. He caught onto you again and this time, you had tears in your eyes.
“Where are you going?” He asked. “What about our date?
“This was a mistake.” You shook your head and looked down.
“What? No it wasn’t.” He said, sounding genuinely hurt.
“Yes it was. Look at us, Peter. We don’t have anything in common anymore. I really liked you back then but you’re not that guy anymore. That guy wouldn’t show up late, call me “hot” and “babe”, text and drive, forget his favorite movie, stop talking to his best friend-“
“Oh. I get it.” He cut you off. “You’re disappointed because I’m not the same person I was when I was 17.”
“Yeah. Maybe I am.” You snapped and folded your arms when you heard his attitude return.
“Yeah, well. You’re different too.” He insisted. “The girl I knew in high school was not this judgmental.”
“I am not judgmental.” You scoffed.
“Yes you are. You’ve been judging me since the moment you turned around at the party. Just admit it.”
“Maybe because you commented on my ass like you were one of the dickhead boys you used to make fun of I’m high school. God, what happened to you?”
“I said I was sorry about that.”
“But you still did it.” You laughed sadly. “And then showed up late. And then remembered things about me from high school. And then texted other girls. And then kept the hat I gave you. I don’t understand you, Peter. I can’t read you anymore. This is too confusing. And it’s all for nothing because I still go back home on Tuesday and we’re never going to see each other again.“
“It doesn’t have to be like that.” He said and put his hands on your shoulders. You were surprised by how desperate for you to stay he sounded since it contradicted his behavior thus far.
“I think it does, Peter. Goodbye.” You shook your head and walked away again.
“Wait. There’s snakes out there.” He called after you.
“No there’s not.” You called back. You kept walking through the park until you came across a picnic blanket surrounded by fake candles. Surrounding the blanket were printed out caricatures of celebrities strung up and tapped to trees.
“What is this?” You asked when you heard Peter come up behind you.
“Oh thank God. No one stole it.” He sighed in relief and walked over to the picnic blanket.
“Wait, you set this up?” You asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Ellen’s Stardust Dinner turns out to be insanely difficult to get into so I made us one.”
“Ellen’s Stardust Dinner?”
“In your letter. I remembered you said it was your dream to eat there one day.” He said with a sheepish smile. You couldn’t help but smile as well and started to walk around to look at all the photos he had printed. Peter lingered behind you and kept a comfortable distance since you were upset with him.
“Is this Joey Graceffa?” You laughed and pointed to one of the pictures.
“I took some creative liberties with the celebrities I chose to showcase once I ran out of ones I knew you liked. Do you still like Dylan O’Brien?”
“Do bears still shit in the woods? The answer is yes. Sorry. That wasn’t funny.” You quickly corrected yourself and Peter snorted.
“It was a little funny.” He admitted. “Not really, though.”
“I see the entire cast of Modern Family made it.” You chuckled and touched one of the photos he had tapped up to a tree.
“Of course they did. It’s the best show ever.”
“You’re not wrong.” You looked over at him with a smile. Peter took that smile as a sign you were forgiving him and stepped closer to you. You could feel his presence behind you and turned around to face him.
“You set all this up for me?”
“I did. That’s why I was late.” He explained. “I started early but then I ran out of magenta ink so obviously I couldn’t print the rest of my photos despite them having no magenta parts.”
“What about all the texting?” You asked him.
“My aunt is getting a mammogram today. Her mom had breast cancer so she was really nervous. I was checking in with her. But don’t worry, she’s okay. She just called to tell me. And that doesn’t excuse me texting while driving which I normally never do but she was anxious in the waiting room and I didn’t want her to be alone with her thoughts.”
“You didn’t tell me that.” You said softly and immediately felt guilty for snapping at him.
“You would’ve told me to go be with her.” He shrugged. “And I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see you before you left.”
“Well that’s very noble of you but it sounds like she needed you more than I did today.”
“Don’t worry. She insisted I come here instead. I would have just made her more nervous with my anxious pacing.”
You looked around at everything Peter had set up for you and all the details he had put in. You’d misread everything and judged him off of things you knew little about. You looked at him with guilt in your eyes and smiled sadly.
“I don’t know what to say.” You admitted. “You went through a lot today for me and I just threw a fit and stormed off.”
“I can’t say I didn’t give you good reason. I should have told you these things sooner. I’m just not good at this sort of thing. I wanted so badly to impress you that I ended up making you think I didn’t care.”
“Can we just start over then? And enjoy this set up you made?” You asked him.
“I would like that.” Peter smiled and sat down on the blanket. You sat down beside him and leaned into his side. Peter wasted no time in wrapping both arms around you, making you both fall backwards onto the blanket. You both laughed and stayed in each others arms as you rolled over to look into his eyes.
“I’m sorry I judged you.” You said and fixed his hair.
“It’s okay. I know I’m not what you thought I’d be.”
“You’re not. But you’re still you. You still have your heart and your humor. And those were always my favorite parts of you anyway. I don’t know why I got so hung up on the other things. Who cares what movies you watch or what you do with your free time now? None of that stuff matters.”
“Do you still like me? Even though I’m different?” He asked as he stared into your eyes.
“Look at what you did for me today. You’re not different. You just wear different clothes. I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge you. It wasn’t fair. And I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay. Honestly, I miss who I was too. I miss Ned. And being around people who know what amino acids are. And I missed you. God, I missed you so much. In the years since high school, there have been so many times when I’ve come across something I wanted to show you or thought something I wanted to tell you. I missed hearing your laugh when I made a stupid joke or hearing your thoughts on the bad movies I’d beg you to watch. I never made a friend like you again. And after a while, I realized I never would.”
“I never found someone like you either. No one ever had me like you did. I’ve been dreaming about the day we met again since the day I last saw you.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” He joked.
“Please. How could I be disappointed in this?” You playfully rolled your eyes and traced your fingertips up and down his arm. Peter reached forward and placed his hand on your face to stroke your cheek with his thumb.
“When do you leave on Tuesday?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“Late. My train is at 5.”
“Maybe we can get breakfast then.” He suggested without looking at you as he laced his fingers through yours.
“I’d like that.” You smiled and started to lean in.
“I can cook it.” He added. “After we wake up in my room.”
“Don’t push it.” You chuckled and rubbed your nose against his as you got closer.
“I won’t.” He replied before closing the gap between you and kissing you. The kiss that was years in the making was worth every minute of the wait. His right hand found his way to your hip and he squeezed it.
“Maybe you can push it just a little bit.” You said against his lips. Peter took that as his chance to pull you by the waist on top of him and deepen the kiss.
“That’s how I know you’ve changed. Nice boys don’t kiss like that.” You said when you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Yes they fucking do.” Peter said against your lisp before pulling you back into a heated kiss. You weren’t sure how much time passed as you kissed him but you only stopped when you Peters stomach let out a loud growl. You pulled away and rolled onto your back as you both laughed.
“Sorry about that. We never actually got any food.” He realized.
“Oh yeah. Maybe we should go do that.” You said and rolled over to face him.
“Yeah. We probably should.”
Despite the agreement to get up and go get some food, neither of you moved. You just laid on the blanket and stared into each others eyes with a comfortable silence in the air.
“In a minute?” You suggested after a minute and Peter smiled before leaning in to kiss you again.
“In a minute.”
PSA: DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE. it’s never worth it. It takes one second to get in an accident. Any text can wait. Your life is more important
Tag List 🏷️
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The frat party | t.h.
Title: The frat party
Pairing: Frat boy!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1823
Warnings: frat boy Tom, angst, nakedness (nothing sexual though, no smut in this chapter), mention of sex, implied smut, cliffhanger at the end, jealous Tom, language, OC Oliver, violence (one punch), blood, plot twists.
Summary: Tom and the reader met at a frat party, but a year later they broke up because of some reason. Now, rumor has it that the reader is dating one of Tom’s friends and he gets jealous.
A/N: Hello hello, I’m back! Have you seen Tom’s recent pics in Monaco?? He looked amazing! Anyway, I don’t know why, but I just had to write a fic with frat boy!Tom, so enjoy!
If you wanna be tagged in my Tom Holland fics, just let me know in my ask box! You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer!
Main Masterlist
Tom Holland Masterlist
Peter Parker Masterlist
Chapter 1
Break up with my ex girlfriend
Frat parties. Am I right? Worst part of college life. A lot of people drink to forget about their grades and how their lives went wrong, while someone’s just hoping to have some fun with them (if you know what I mean). For the first year, I hated them with passion, but it was before I met him. At a frat party. Oh, the irony! And then, frat parties were the only chance I had to actually talk to him. It didn’t take us long enough to start dating. I think that adults tell you fairy tales to make you grow up with a hope, the hope to find your real happy ending, your true love. Well, I wasn’t used to believe in them, but the year I spent with Tom… that was close to the definition of happy ending. The problem with happy endings? They don’t tell you what happens after them. And that’s because they’re a nightmare.
“Tell me that now or you’re not gonna find me in this bed tomorrow”, he says and there’s a part of me that wants to die right here and right now. I shake my head. I don’t want to do that. Not because I don’t feel anything for him, but I’m scared that this will complicate things between us and it’s the last thing I want. “Are you serious, Y/N? You really think that saying something like that during sex doesn’t count? Calling someone on the phone means something, even if you’re drunk as Hell. So tell me what you really feel about me right now or I swear, I’m out of this room. I’m out of this kind of weird relationship that’s going on between us for years,” Tom says and the veins on his arms draw a beautiful map on his body, in which the moles are cities and his eyes are volcanoes. They’re burning, unlike my skin, that is freezing because I’m not wearing anything at the moment. Except for my shame, perhaps. My insecurities, that never leave me. Even in front of Tom.
“You don’t mean that,” I try to say, my mouth dry. But he’s insanely angry. In another situation, it would be hot.
“I do, Y/N,” he replies. I swallow. His expression softens, like he’s in pain. He comes closer to me, brushing my cheeks with his hands. My eyes are full of tears. His words feel like a prayer on my skin. “Please, tell me”.
And even if I don’t wanna do that, my hands are tied. Even if that’s a lie. I remain in silence. One second after that, he’s gone. Tom always keeps his promises, after all.
2 months before
Harrison sat down with a strange look on his face. It only meant one thing for Tom: trouble. He sighed, throwing away the third cigarette of the day. Jacob raised an eyebrow, trying to get rid of the stench of smoke with one hand.
“I thought you wanted to quit smoking,” Jacob said.
“Relax, I only smoke before finals now,” Tom said. “What’s up, mate? Come on, talk”.
Harrison raised a corner of his lips in a smirk.
“Rumor has it, that Oliver’s got a girlfriend,” he said.
“No way!” Jacob exclaimed.
“Oh, fuck me,” Tom said, laying on the grass with his hands behind his neck, glancing at a couple of girls who were passing by.
“I haven’t said the best part yet, though,” Harrison continued. Jacob urged him to speak further. “He’s gonna throw a party for his birthday and he’ll introduce her to his friends. But since we’re his friends, I was wondering why I haven’t told us anything about this gal in weeks. So I played Sherlock Holmes for a couple of hours and I found out that… we actually know this girl,” he said.
“I bet she’s someone of the campus,” Tom joked, as if it was obvious.
“I bet she’s someone’s ex girlfriend,” Jacob replied.
Harrison remained quiet, but he was smiling.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Tom said, astonished, while sitting on the grass again.
“I won!” Jacob yelled.
“Who’s she? I hooked up with…”
“Ex girlfriend, Tom. It’s not some random girl you hooked up with. She’s someone you remember very well,” Harrison said.
“So we’re talking about me, uh? Well, let’s see… is it Janine? We lasted two weeks, I wouldn’t be mad about her,” he shrugged. Harrison swallowed.
“It’s someone you would be mad about,” Jacob guessed. “And there’s just one person that you would be mad about”.
Tom’s eyes widened at the realization.
“He’s fucking dead”.
Two days after that conversation, here they were: the three of them were laying with their backs on the wall like they were sustaining it from falling down. Tom had threatened Oliver with a Dare to explain, mate?, but his answer was just an I’m sorry Tom, but she’s just your ex. I don’t have to ask for your permission. Or does this mean that you’re still not over her? So, since Tom values too much his pride, he said that he was over her and that Oliver was right, he didn’t have to ask for his permission. Oliver apologized for not telling him that before and then walked away, leaving Tom to smoke the whole pack of cigarettes. Tom was watching Oliver talking with Elizabeth, one of your friends, when he saw you and Zendaya arrive at the party. In his opinion, you were stunning. You immediately caught his gaze. You just never failed to amaze him, even after a year. His heart ached at the view, but it ached even more when you greeted Oliver. You gave him a kiss on his cheek, clenching your hand in a fist. It seemed like you were uncomfortable. So, he came up with a plan to save you.
“Wait for me here,” he said to his friends, then he walked fast to reach you. “Hey mate, happy birthday!” Tom said to Oliver, who hugged him.
“Thanks, Tom. I think that you already know Y/N, Lizzie and Z,” he said and you smiled along with your friends, even if you looked more surprised than happy.
“Of course, I do,” Tom said, looking directly at you. You looked down. “Could I please talk to Y/N? We haven’t been in touch for quite some time and I’d like to catch up with her,” he asked.
“Sure!” Oliver said, while Zendaya seemed looking at you with a concerned expression. You winked at her.
Tom made you move away from Oliver by brushing your back, walking to the next exit. He lowered his voice in order to talk with you only, speaking to your hear: “You look ravishing, darling”.
He noticed that you closed your eyes for a very long second, but you didn’t say a word about that.
“Are you here to show that you still own me or something?”
“I don’t own you, darling. You’re absolutely free to do anything you like,” he said, lighting a cigarette outside the building.
“Z said you wanted to quit smoking,” you said, furrowing your eyebrows.
“I only smoke before finals”.
“Finals were yesterday,” you replied.
“Are we here to talk about me or you? I noticed that you were uncomfortable with Oliver, but I thought that you were his girlfriend. Wouldn’t it be weird?”
You smirked.
“Oh, now I get it. You’re jealous”.
“Nah, If I’d be jealous, you would know, trust me,” Tom said, with a playful tone.
“What would you do?” You asked, curiousity eating you alive. You wanted to know so bad if he still had feelings for you.
“Don’t play with fire, darling. You’re gonna burn your pretty hands, otherwise,” he replied, running a finger over his lip. Shivers ran through your spine, but you hoped that Tom didn’t notice it.
“Don’t try to seduce me, Holland. You’re not gonna win this time,” you said, chuckling. “And for the record, we’re not dating. He’s just insistent,” you explained.
Tom looked inside and saw Oliver staring at the two of you. An idea came up into his mind and he couldn’t quite get rid of it. It was smart, but also terrifying. It was very dangerous, yet he had to try.
“We could be in a fake relationship. It could fool everyone,” he proposed.
You turned to look at him, astonished.
“Even after what happened?”
Tom’s eyes were locked with yours, but his facial muscles didn’t move at all. If he still was hurt by the reason that made you two break up, he didn’t show it to you.
“He’s coming here,” he said instead, glancing at Oliver.
“Tom, this is insane,” you kept going. “You said you couldn’t forgive me after…”
It happened all too fast. All the lights went out at the same time. Tom's lips were on yours in an instant. Everything was on fire, every inch of your body. Every cell your flash was made of exploded like a dying supernova. A moment later, someone snatched him from your hands, leaving you in the cold.
Oliver hit him. Tom laughed, nervously, but then he grabbed the collar of Oliver’s shirt and slammed him against the wall, angrily. You pounced on Tom, trying to pull him away from Oliver. At first, Tom looked at you confused, thinking that you just wanted to keep Oliver safe from him, but your eyes told him another story: you prevented him to be kicked out from the campus.
“I told you, you’d know,” he said, while wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth, pretending to be the tough guy he wasn’t.
“Guys, I think we should leave,” Jacob said, while Harrison was taking Tom away from Oliver by his arm.
“I thought we were friends, Tom,” Oliver said, an inch of hurting in his voice tone.
“That was before you came after the only thing I care about,” he said harshly. And then, he left with Harrison and Jacob.
That night, while Tom was cleaning himself of blood in the bathroom, Jacob was staring at him worried, while standing with one arm against the door jamb.
“You never told me what happened, you know, with Y/N last year. Haz doesn’t want to tell me, he thinks it’s up to you. You said that you were over her, but I don’t think you are, since what you did tonight,” he said. Tom kept wiping away the blood from his shirt, ignoring Jacob’s words. “Why have you broken up with her, Tom? It seems pretty obvious that you’re still in love with her”.
Tom gulped, while looking at himself in the mirror. He had tried to bury all of his memories deep down, but it seemed that now the demons wanted to come back and play with him once again. Maybe it had finally come the time to confront them.
When he spoke, his voice was low and hoarse: “Because she cheated on me”.
Read chapter 2 here!
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The Bet
A Harry Holland mini series

Part 1 (the game begins)
Tom bets Harry he can't make you fall in love with him.
Warnings: slut shaming, social anxiety, smut (thigh riding) cursing, boys being dumb, blood.
Mini series Masterlist
Word count 6k
Weekends at the frat were always busy. It was like as soon as five pm on Friday rolled around it was a revolving door of people. Some people the boys knew, some people they had seen but never spoken to, and some people that were completely strangers. None of them minded of course, part of being in the frat was throwing parties and they were determined to do it better than any of the other fraternities on campus.
Most of the occupants of the frat were sitting in an area they usually claimed as their own on nights like these. Talking to each other and ignoring the rowdy party goers aside from the occasional attractive girl that would saunter by catching their eye (or boy in Travis' case). Tonight was no different.
Harry always steered away from girls who were drinking, he had a very specific set of rules, no alcohol, no leading on, and absolutely no falling in love with him. He knew it was strange, but he had a rugby Career to think of, and he planned on going pro. So he was straight forward if he started talking to a girl, hence the no Alcohol rule. Which brings us to the particular topic of today's conversation amongst the boys.
"All I'm saying," Tom announced, "is that, you either suck in bed, or girls are really not into you," there was a collective round of oos from the other guys as Harry rolled his eyes.
"I tell them they can't fall in love with me from the get go, keeps them from getting all clingy," Harry reminded Tom with a smirk.
Tom sighed as he took a swig of his drink, "I'm just saying, I doubt you could get a girl to fall in love with you, you're too cocky," he told his younger brother.
True to Tom's word Harry just scoffed, "I could have anyone in this room fall in love with me," he chuckled.
Tom narrowed his eyes on his younger brother. "Wanna bet on that?" He asked with a smirk.
That caught Harry's attention. "Fine, what'll it be?" Harry challenged.
"If you can get a girl of my choosing to fall in love with you, you win bragging rights," Tom explained.
Harry nodded as he mulled the idea in his head but it wasn't him who spoke next. "That could take weeks," Sam pointed out with a worried expression, he always seemed to be the most level headed of the three Hollands (Four when they were back home).
"Maybe," Tom shrugged, "but Mr.cocky over here could probably get it done faster," Tom glanced over to Harry to see his eyes narrowed at him.
"Fine," Harry agreed, "who will it be?"
Tom's finger was up and pointing across the room before Harry had even finished his sentence.
Every boy turned to where Tom was pointing, and there you stood. A drink in your hand that was still full from when you had gotten it an hour prior, standing beside your cousin and flatmate, as you didn't know anyone else there. Harry had never seen you, and didn't know a thing about you, but Tom (who had been sleeping with your cousin Malory) knew exactly who you were and what had brought you here, and he knew that out of everyone in this room, you would be the last person to fall for his brother.
"Who is that?" Harrison asked, breaking the silence and causing all of them to turn their attention from where you stood.
"Mal's cousin, she just transferred here," Tom explained.
Harry watched you for a few minutes more before turning back to his brother and sticking out his hand. Tom grasped his with his own and shook. "Got yourself a deal," Harry announced before finishing the beer in his hand, and gearing up to make his move.
Meanwhile, you were as uncomfortable as you had ever felt. Malory had told you coming out tonight would be good for you, help you get out of the funk you were most definitely in. But the truth was, you didn't want to be here, you would rather be anywhere but here.
Mal was popular, so there wasn't a moment where she wasn't introducing you to another person, and socially you were drained. You didn't want to have to tell another person who you were, or that you had transferred over from the states, and you definitely didn't want to tell them why. You spotted a boy with curly red hair making his way towards the two of you, he was cute, with nicely styled Auburn hair, a cute smile, and a generous dusting of freckles on his cheeks.
"Nope!" Mal yelled as she pointed a boney finger out towards him, "turn your ass around Holland Jr. And go find someone else," she told him strictly.
His hands flew up to his chest as though he had been stabbed by her words and he feigned heartache. "Me? What have I ever done to you Malory?" He questioned as he walked up until he was directly in front of the two of you.
He cast you a grin, before turning back to Malory. "I'm serious Harry," she warned, "don't even think about it," she told him with a look that threatened death.
The boy, who's name you had just learned was Harry, nodded at her. "I was just coming to say hi, I've never seen you around before," he turned his attention to you.
"What about the other fifty people you have never seen around before?" Malory asked before you could even respond.
Harry shrugged, "none of them caught my eye quite like her," he told her before turning back towards you.
You had to give it to him, he was good, maybe too good, as though he had done this time and time again.
You smiled politely. "Y/n." You said as you stuck your hand out for him to shake.
He grasped it in his and brought it up to his lips, kissing the skin of your hand gently.
"Harry," he told you, though you had already gathered that.
"Ok, you introduced yourself, now go away. And tell that brother of yours to stay away from me tonight," Mal told him as she gave him a shove back towards a group of guys she had previously told you were the fraternity brothers.
A few to many people and an eternity later, you were standing alone, watching a sea of drunk people dancing like no one was watching. You had lost Mal about a half an hour ago and you weren't entirely sure what you were supposed to do. You wanted to go home, but the problem with that was you weren't sure how to get there or where exactly you were. You were the perfect victim for a predator right now you realized. "You don't look like you're having a good time," a familiar voice said. You turned to see the same curly haired boy from earlier standing beside you.
You shook your head, "my social clock stopped ticking, but I don't know where Mal went," you admitted.
"She and Tom ran off to his room," Harry told you with an apologetic smile.
"Oh," you mumbled as you looked at the ground.
"Are you going to be able to get home without her?" He wondered as he touched your arm.
"I uh, I don't know how to get there from here, and she has the car keys," you admitted, as you cringed at the idea that you were a sitting duck.
"I'll take you home," Harry told you like it was the simplest option.
You shook your head and glanced at his nearly empty cup, "you have been drinking," you pointed out.
He nodded and then chuckled, "I have, and I would never put you in a dangerous position, so I'll walk you," he said, "it's not to far from here, and I am all to familiar with Mal's place from how many times I've had to pick up a hungover Tom there the morning after," he told you as he lead you through the front door of the frat.
You stopped at the stairs and glanced at him unsure. This was a recipe for disaster, not only did you not know this guy, but you also didn't know the area, and your true crime loving brain was screaming at you to stay put and just wait for Mal, but something else was telling you you could trust this guy.
So despite every red flag you followed him down the stairs to the sidewalk. "Is that alcohol?" He asked as he gestured to the cup in your hands.
You nodded at him as you watched him take it from your hands and dump it into the grass beside you. "Don't want you getting in trouble for an open container," he explained.
You nodded and eyed him skeptically. He was handsome, that you could easily admit. And there was something about him. He seemed to have a cocky attitude, but you could see that maybe that wasn't all it was underneath, maybe this boy was as broken and damaged as you were, or maybe he was just a cute boy offering to walk a helpless girl home.
"Thanks for doing this," you said after a few minutes of walking.
He shrugged but smiled, "I'd rather you get home safe than feel partially responsible if anything happened to you," he explained.
"So what's the deal with Mal and -" you trailed off as you tried to remember the name of the boy Mal was most obviously involved with even if they did have real enemies to lovers vibes going on.
"I don't know honesty," Harry admitted, "Tom is- well Tom is Tom, and Him and Mal have some history, but it gets messy when they're together," he chuckled. "She poured milk on his mattress once and dragged it out in the sun so the milk would spoil, he says it's because he didn't take her out, but I have a feeling it was more than that," he told you.
You nodded as you wrapped your arms around yourself the brisk night air nipping at your skin.
"You're cold," Harry said as he slipped off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
You couldn't help but giggle.
"Thank you," you said.
You were finally approaching an area you were vaguely familiar with and it eased some of the tension in your bones. That is until you saw the steps leading to your apartment building, and who was sitting on them
"Oh no," you groaned as you went to turn right around and flee, you would wait for Mal at the fraternity you didn't care how long she'd be, anything to avoid what was about to come.
"Y/n! Y/n! Is that you?" Markus called from behind you.
Harry could easily see the tension in your body at the sound of the man's voice. "You want me to tell this guy to kick rocks?" He asked you.
You weren't a confrontational person, in the slightest, you didn't like dealing with problems if they had the possibility of becoming heated. But in this instance, you couldn't take him being here. So you nodded at Harry, thankful he was there with you.
"Hey, how bout you come by another time buddy, she doesn't want to talk right now," Harry called towards where Markus was standing staring at the two of you.
"And who the hell are you?" He demanded stepping forward.
"No one, but the lady doesn't want to talk tonight, so go on and go home, yeah?" Here Harry was, dealing with your problems with no back story or explanation, just the simple fact that he could tell you needed it.
"That's really nice y/n, you ran off and hopped on the first dick you can find, doesn't matter that I'm the only guy you've been with, right. You said it yourself, your lacking experience," he spat in your direction.
Harry recoiled back at the words before shaking them off. "Hey listen mate, just get lost," Harry told him.
At this point Markus had started to get closer to the two of you, only standing a few feet away, you had your face hidden behind Harry, who you were practically using as a human shield. "Yeah?" Markus asked dryly. "So you can go sink your dick in the slut standing behind you? I don't think so,"
The noise of bone crunching, Is a very distinct one, of course followed by a howl of pain.
You jumped back ready to call the cops if Markus had struck Harry, but were surprised to see Markus clutching his nose in pain as Harry shook out the hand he had just used to punch him.
"First off, don't call her a slut," Harry spat, taking a step towards Markus who began backing up, "and second, she doesn't want to see you, so get lost," he finished as Markus grabbed his coat and fled.
You stood staring at Harry with your mouth agape completely unsure at what had just transpired. "I- wha-" you shook your head in disbelief as you glanced over to see Markus' car peeling out of the parking lot.
"Are you ok?" Harry wondered as he looked you over.
"Am I- what? Me? Are you okay?" You stuttered out. You glanced at his hand to see blood and instantly felt guilty. "Your bleeding," you stated.
He looked down at his knuckles and shrugged, "I'll be fine," he assured you.
You shook your head as you told your brain to kick back into action, "come on," you told him as you walked past him and grabbed his uninjured hand. "I have a first aid kit upstairs, and alcohol, because I need a shot," you admitted as you pulled him along.
"I figured you didn't drink," Harry chuckled from behind you.
You glanced back at him with your eyebrows pulled together. "Why would you figure that?"
"You had the same cup all night and you didn't touch it at all," he explained.
You were shocked he had noticed that, he must have been watching you most of the night to even put that together. You nodded as you pulled your keys from your pocket. "I um- I don't like to let my inhabitants down around people I don't know," you admitted.
You unlocked the door and pushed it open and let Harry in before you followed.
First step was a shot.
Second, a first aid kit.
You chose to drink straight from the bottle of peach flavored vodka, the cheap liquid burning all the way down.
"You don't know me," Harry chuckled as he pointed towards the liquor.
You nodded, "well you just punched my shitty ex in the nose without having any explanation of why I didn't want to speak to him. Guess that makes us acquaintances, " you smiled as you rummaged around the cupboards until finding the first aid kit.
"I can work with that," Harry chuckled as he watched you.
If he was being honest, he wasn't one to act with anger, rarely ever getting physical with people other than his brothers, or opposing teams on the field, But something about how sour the word slut had been directed at you made him react without a second thought. He told himself it was for the benefit of the bet, but honestly, he just wanted to protect you from that, and he had no idea why.
"Oh yeah?" You wondered with a grin.
"Mhmm," Harry said, "step up from strangers, and a step closer to friends," he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"Friends," you chuckled. "right,"
"You're going to need some of those you know, uni is hard enough as is, having people to talk to makes it more barrable," he explained.
You nodded, mulling over the thought of being his friend. "Yeah alright, tell you what, we're friends," you chuckled at him. He smiled wide at you before you interrupted. "On one condition,"
He narrowed his brows at you but nodded. "Shoot,"
"It doesn't go further than that, ever," if there was one thing you were sure of it was that you couldn't take another heartbreak, and Harry.. well he seemed like the perfect boy to break your heart. You had to protect yourself after all, even if you were selling short an opportunity.
Harry's eyes widened as he looked at you. All too aware of the bet with Tom becoming a whole lot more difficult. "Deal y/n, friends and nothing more," he stuck out his hand for you to shake and you rolled your eyes as you grabbed it and pulled it towards you to clean.
"Now let's get this cleaned up," you mumbled as you wet a gauze pad with some rubbing alcohol.
"Aww shit," he hissed as you pressed it to his busted knuckle. "So now since we're friends, what was that guy's deal anyway?" He Wondered as he winced while you proceeded to clean his hand.
"Basic story," you sighed. "Highschool sweetheart, lost my virginity to him, thought it was forever, only to have my heart crushed when my best friend told me that they had been sleeping together for months," you ripped a bandaid open and sealed it over the split in Harry's knuckle noticing a bunch of partially healed cuts and scars along with callouses. "He begged me to forgive him, and explained that I was an idiot if I moved to throw away all the good years we had had over a few months. So I packed a bag, left a note that said I was an idiot and flew to Scotland for two months, then Mal told me she had a room open and I enrolled here for school, picked up and completely upended my life," you explained.
"You're not an idiot," Harry said sternly.
You nodded with a smile, "no I'm not, I just, I know what I'm worth, and it's a whole lot more than that," you grabbed the bottle of vodka again taking a swing before offering it to Harry.
He eyed you for a minute before shrugging and throwing it back. "So what now? You have given up on love all together?" He wondered.
You chuckled before nodding. "Something like that, it's not worth the pain, you know, it feels good for a while, but then to have your heart destroyed," you sighed as you stared at the wall, "no one deserves to feel that, like you weren't enough, or you were just some means to an end," you told him.
Harry cringed at that last statement. He wanted to call Tom and call the whole thing off, there was no way he could go through with this and risk you getting hurt in the crossfire, especially with you being so open with him, this wasn't worth bragging rights, hell it probably wasn't worth anything Tom had to offer. He pulled his phone from his pocket seeing a text from Tom that read 'I expect a full report in the morning lover boy,' and suddenly the idea of throwing the bet out the window went right out the window instead.
Harry would come to regret this moment, and he knew that without a shadow of a doubt. You deserved more than to be part of something so childish without knowing, but his competitive cocky nature made him headstrong, and that, that was his problem.
"So," Harry sighed, sitting back and looking at you. "only guy you have ever been with huh?"
You groaned as you grabbed the bottle of vodka and made your way to the L shaped couch. "Yup, 23 years old and I've only slept with one person, which either makes me extremely sad or extremely lucky," you shrugged as you took another swig of the drink. "Guess it just depends on who you ask. What about you?" You wondered, your attention turned back toward where he was leaning against the counter.
"What about me?" He asked with a grin.
"Come on," you chuckled. "You must get around with a smile and face like that," you teased.
Harry just rolled his eyes before making his way to the couch beside you. "Nothing serious," he admitted. "A few flings, but that's it," he told you.
You nodded, offering him the bottle again which he gladly took.
You spent the next late hours chewing the shit and becoming fast friends. There was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you that you couldn't deny, but there was no way you would ever act on it.
You yawned as you glanced at the clock on the wall, it was nearly 3 am and between the two of you guys, you had nearly finished the vodka. "We should get some sleep," you mumbled as you let your eyes fall closed.
"We've been friends for only a few hours and we're already having sleepovers?" Harry chuckled as he sprawled out on the couch, his arm draped around your legs. "How scandalous," he mumbled before his breathing got heavy and passed out.
Harry's head pounded as his eyes fluttered open the next morning, to a terrifying sight. Harry gasped as he sat up seeing a very angry Mal standing above him. "I specifically told you no," she warned.
"I didn't do anything," Harry protested, and he was telling the truth, he hadn't done anything, which in and of itself was not like him at all.
"She's not another mark on your bedpost Harry," she told him with a sigh. "She's been through a lot in life and she doesn't need any of the drama that comes along with a Holland,"
Harry looked at Mallory with a serious face before he answered. "We're not all Tom Mal. I just want to be her friend nothing more," the lie felt heavy on his tongue as he said it, but it seemed to be enough for her.
She nodded and then looked at you still fast asleep on the couch. "I'll kill you if you hurt her," she warned.
"I'll hold you to that," Harry said honestly, because suddenly he was worried hurting you just might break him.
You awoke to the smell of something delicious. You pushed up from the couch to find Mal standing at the stove. "Morning you floozy," you chuckled as you stretched your arms above your head.
"I can say the same to you," she giggled as she looked over at you with a funny look.
"What?" You wondered with narrowed eyes, and then last night came flooding back into your mind. You glanced over to the other side of the couch to find it empty.
"He left this morning when I got home," she told you as she turned back to the food she was cooking.
"Oh," you mumbled as you stood up from the couch.
"Y/n, I meant what I said yesterday," she sighed as she turned around to face you again. "The Holland's, they are bad news, and Harry is the worst of them," she told you.
You shook your head. "We're only friends Mal," you assured her.
She nodded, "well Tom and I aren't even that and look what he does to me," she grumbled.
You felt bad. Honestly you did. But you and Harry were only friends, and you had agreed to be nothing more. So what was the danger there?
As soon as Harry had gotten home Tom was all over him. "So?" He wondered.
"What? You think I have a fucking magic dick or something?" Harry scoffed.
"You used your dick then? Noted." Tom chuckled loudly.
Harry was tired, and more than a little irritated. "No actually, I don't have to lead with my dick to get someone to talk to me," he spat at his older brother, before bounding his way up to his room.
"Well maybe if you did this would go faster," Tom chuckled, ignoring Harry's obviously bad attitude.
"Yeah, whatever Tom," Harry grumbled before stripping his clothes off to get in the shower.
"Call it quits if you want mate, I won't judge you none," Tom called through the bathroom door.
Harry should have taken that out, he should have called it quits, because he didn't see an end where this didn't end in a disaster, but he couldn't, he couldn't back out now. "piss off Tom," he called through the door.
The next few days were a blur, between beginning your classes and trying to get a lay of the land you barely had a minute to yourself. You walked out of your creative writing class with the full intention to go home, strip off your clothes, run yourself a nice bath and relax.
"Hey you," you heard from behind you.
You turned to see Harry standing there, with a gym duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "Oh Harry, hi," you said.
"I uh- I didn't get your number last weekend," he chuckled before holding out his phone to you. "Hard to get ahold of friends when you don't have a way to contact them," you smiled at him and took the phone from his hand, entering in your number.
"Here you go," you told him.
He looked over the screen and smiled "y/n/n?" He asked.
"My friends get to call me that," you winked before turning to head in the direction of home.
"Hey!" Harry called, running after you. "I was thinking, were having a party this weekend-"
"You live in a frat, aren't there parties every weekend?" You wondered.
"Touche," Harry chuckled. "Anyways, I'm not really feeling up to it and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go somewhere with me?" He asked you.
You stopped dead in your tracks and looked at him. "Go somewhere?" You squeaked.
"Yeah, just two friends hanging out," Harry clarified.
You nodded, his words not really easing the sudden ache in your stomach. "Um, yeah. Yeah that sounds fun," you lied. It did not sound fun, if anything it sounded like a disaster in the making.
"Cool," Harry sighed in relief, "I'll pick you up Saturday morning at 8," and then he was gone.
"8am?" You yelled after him.
"Bright and early sunshine!" He called back before disappearing all together.
Recipe. For. Disaster.
So there you were 7:45 on a Saturday morning debating on what outfit looked the best to spend the day with Harry. You had been texting non stop since you gave him your number, and he had told you to wear something casual that you didn't mind getting dirty.
Mal was nowhere to be found having gone out last night to do something. That something being Tom, you had no doubt about that.
Having no one to ask about your current outfit, you Snapped a picture and sent it to Harry asking him if was ok.
His response was immediate.
H- dare I say you look edible?
Y/n- Harry! You can't say that!
H- ohhh, ok. Then you look perfect y/n/n
H- pulling up now.
H- get your edible ass down here.
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your purse and made your way down to the entrance to your apartment.
Harry was out of the car and standing on the passenger side holding the door open for you as soon as you stepped out. "And they say chivalry is dead," you chuckled as you slid into the seat and buckled yourself.
"Whoever said that has obviously not met any of the Holland's," he teased back.
You let out a laugh before turning to him. "Do you know what is said about 'the Holland's'?" You asked.
He shot you a funny look before you continued, "you boys have a reputation for being bad news, absolute heartbreakers," you told him.
"Woah," he said as he turned onto a road you were unfamiliar with, "I'm very straightforward with all the girls I evolve myself with that they should not fall in love with me,"
You rolled your eyes at that, "it's not always that simple, sometimes it just happens and you can't even pinpoint when," you explained.
He nodded, "I guess I just wouldn't know, never been in love," he admitted.
You felt utter shock wash over you. "Never?!" You demanded.
He shook his head, "can't get your heart broken if you keep it hidden," he said. "Plus I'm a busy guy, between rugby and my classes, not much time or energy to keep a relationship,"
"Harry," you whispered, "that's kind of sad," you looked at him with his full attention on the road ahead of you, he nodded slightly before taking a deep breath.
"It may be, but I haven't had to try and pick up the pieces of my heart because someone else shattered it. If my heart gets broken, I want to blame myself," Harry admitted.
You sighed before sitting back into the car seat and staring out the window wondering where the heck he was taking you.
Eventually, Harry pulled the car off the road and put it in park in front of what seemed to be a giant canal, with an amazing view.
"Where are we?" You wondered as you unbuckled yourself and climbed out of the car.
"This is where I come, when I want to escape," he told you. "Come on, I have something to show you," he stopped at the trunk of his car before pulling out a large bag and then walking forward, grabbing your hand as he passed by.
The walk was short and when he finally stopped walking you were amazed. Underneath a bridge, that had a perfect shield of privacy all while still giving you a full view of the canal and all it had to offer.
"Wow," you said as you sat down on a large rock.
Harry nodded as he watched you take it all in, this was his place, the one he would come to anytime he just couldn't take it anymore and needed a way out. To be sharing it with someone felt so weird, but also right. He hadn't planned to bring you here, having a whole other day planned, but after the constant texts and getting to know you in the past week, he knew he wanted to share this with you.
"It's my favorite place," Harry admitted.
"You probably bring all the girls here," you teased with a smile.
Harry sighed, "actually, I've never bought anyone here," he told you. He rummaged around his bag before pulling out a few waters and handing you one. "I also made you a sandwich in case you get hungry," he told you.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you stared at him. A sudden onset of feelings you were not supposed to be feeling rushing over you. "Thank you," you whispered.
Harry nodded, before sitting next to you. "So," he said after a minute of silence. "Tell me something you have never admitted out loud," he told you.
You chuckled as you thought about it. There were a few options that came to mind, but most that were childish and not worth saying out loud, so you went with the one that had been eating away at you for the last few years. "I don't think I have ever had an orgasm," you admitted, staring ahead.
Harry's eyes flew open in shock at your words as he spit his drink out, effectively covering you in water. "I'm sorry, what?!" Harry demanded as he tried to help you wipe yourself off.
You shrugged, "you know how, like if your going to go to an amusement park, the day before your all excited because you have been hearing about this amazing ride, and you can't wait to ride it, and then you get there, and it's the carousel," you explained. "That's how sex always was for me, and I never have been able to get really into doing it myself," you admitted.
"So you don't know if you have? Or you never have?" Harry wondered.
You sighed as you thought about it. "I don't think I ever have," you laughed as you threw your head back laughing. "How sad is that?" You chuckled.
"Extremely," Harry chuckled before taking a deep breath. "I could uh," he looked over at you. "I could help you," he shrugged.
You felt your mouth drop open at that. Help you? With like… getting off? So you said the only thing that came to your mind. "Help me?" You wondered.
He nodded, "I won't touch you or anything, unless you ask me to, but yeah, I could you know, help I guess,"
"How?" You asked suddenly breathless with the situation at hand.
Harry's eyebrows shot up, "like you want me to show you?" He Wondered.
All you could do was nod. Stupid girly hormones.
Harry took a deep breath before nodding himself. "Just a friend helping a friend," he whispered to himself.
He grabbed your hands as he pulled you from where you were sitting on the rock and began to push you back towards the cement wall. You gasped as your back hit the wall and Harry's body was only a few inches away from you.
"I'm going to hold your hips to help you move," he told you with a husky voice, "but you're going to do all the work, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with, and if you want me to stop, say the word and I will," he explained. You nodded as you stared up into his warm brown eyes, an ache forming in your stomach. "I need you to say the word y/n/n," he whispered.
"Yes," you whispered, Harry kicked your legs apart with one of his before slotting his knee between your legs and pushing his thigh against your core, his hands firmly planted on your hips as he began to help you grind against him.
It was almost pathetic, because in all the times you had had actual sex it never felt as good as this did. You stared into Harry's lust filled eyes wishing he would lean in and kiss you, dear God did you want his lips on yours.
He pulled you against his thigh firmly and you let out a moan as your eyes drifted shut and your head fell back.
"That's it," Harry mumbled as he continued what he was doing. "Just relax and let go," he cooed.
You couldn't help the way his words made you feel, making the whole situation that much better, you felt yourself begin to loose control as your breathing increased and your legs tightened around Harry's thigh.
"Oh fuck," you moaned out as a sudden wave of ecstasy washed over you, and you knew for certain, you most definitely had never had an orgasm before now, and you had just had your first one riding Harry Holland's' thigh.
How. Embarrassing.
As you came down from the high you opened your eyes to see Harry staring at you, his own eyes full of lust and unspoken desires. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life," he admitted.
You felt yourself become all to aware of his thigh still pressed firmly against you. "Friends helping friends," you chuckled.
Harry nodded as he glanced down to your lips before shaking his head and backing up. "I need to- I need- give me a minute," he told you as he made his way out of sight, walking a little funny with an obvious problem in his pants.
You felt yourself exhale, completely shocked that you had let that happen. That happened.
Holy. Shit.
You shook your limbs as you made your way back to the rocks you had been sitting on before.
You could hear Harry mumbling off on the side he had disappeared off to. "Fucking div," he groaned. "Friends? Friends don't fucking do that. Fuck, friends don't look at you like that," he exhaled loudly before slowly returning.
You watched him as he rounded the rock to sit beside you. He took a deep breath before returning to you. "I have to be honest." He sighed. "I lied to you before," he admitted.
You felt your brows furrow as you looked at him, "about?" You wondered.
"Friends don't usually help friends like that," Harry explained.
You couldn't help the laugh that erupted from your chest. "Well they should," you teased with a smile.
Harry turned away from you with a smile before shaking his head. "So did I help you out? Or no?" He wondered with his bottom lip pinned between his teeth.
"You helped me out tremendously," you giggled.
He nodded before turning away to adjust himself.
"Fuck, tell me we can never do that again, for the sake of our friendship," Harry demanded.
"Ok," you whispered.
"Tell me now y/n, or so help me," he groaned.
"We can't do it again Harry, for the sake of our friendship," you told him with a smirk.
He nodded before looking at you shocked, "you didn't say never," he reminded.
"Didn't I?" You teased.
The next few weeks were spent together. When you weren't at class, you were usually with Harry, whether it be at the frat, your apartment, his practice, or your guys spot upon the canal, you had grown to be inseparable.
I have been going on about this forrr ages! But I'm finally ready to post someee :) lmk what ya think 😘
Every fic :)
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The Agreement (Part 3.)

Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Here it is guys part 3.! I’m so glad you all like this series, and I’m so grateful for all the amazing comments and reactions you send me 🥰. I would still appreciate it if you reblog, leave a comment or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2.

“Tom get that.”
“Tom your phone is ringing.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
The annoying beeping of the phone woke you from the deep slumber.
You were so jaded. The sharp pain in your muscles and in between your thighs made you yelp as you tried to sit yourself up.
Your eyes were burning, aching for more sleep.
“Are you deaf or what?” You said, finally opening your eyes.
However you were welcomed with an empty bed. The right side of the bed was cold, so it meant he went away a long time ago.
Stupid you.
“Well what did you thought Y/N? That he would stay in the morning, snuggle you up and make you breakfast?! Of course he would leave, that’s Tom after all.” You let out a loud sigh, crossing your arms, clearly annoyed that he didn’t at least tell you he was going home.
“A fucking message would be polite Holland.” You muttered to yourself.
Okay calm down. That’s how this thing works right? You wanted this, so we’re going to put the feelings aside.
“Okay the overthinking needs to stop, everything will be just fine.” You said, sliding back into your bed.
Hey it’s Saturday, nothing to do so why not?
Oh wait if it wasn’t Tom’s phone ringing it was yours.
Who is even already up at this time, and on weekend as well?
11:50 AM
Already noon? That explains a lot.
1 missed call from Anna
3 text messages from Anna
2 missed calls from Tom
3 text messages from Tom
So he did call after all. Lucky me.
Hey you up?
It’s almost noon Y/N you never sleep that long, call me when you wake up.
Are you going today? Do you want me to pick you up?
What the hell are you talking about Anna?
Did I make some plans and totally forgot about them? That would be embarrassing.
Morning love, I just wanted you to know I left early because the guys from the frat needed me. Didn’t want to wake you up, thought you need that rest after last night.
You still sleeping or? Did I dick you down that good?
Never mind. Harry is having a chill barbecue party tonight, so he told me to call you, Anna and Amelia are going too so they told me they would pick you up. Also take a bikini if you want to.
Dicked me down to good?! Idiot.
So the barbecue party is what they are talking about. Cool.
Will there be more cute girls? Probably.
And boys as well, so that means let’s have fun.
He isn’t the only one that can enjoy himself.
To Anna:
I’m going, pick me up around six.
Oh you better! Take that red cute bikini, some bird told me there will be some hot guys.
Typical Anna. But she ain’t wrong.
Stupid pain. I’m a mess, my room is a mess.
I need a break for sure, and a bath would definitely help because limping all day is a big no.
The scent of the eucalyptus oil filled the whole bathroom. The warm water mixed with it reduced the soreness and stiffness that was making you feel exhausted.
It was what you needed, enjoying the silence and some me time.
Until the phone rang again.
“Are you kidding me right now?” You groaned from the feeling of the chilly air coming in contact with your warm body as you tried to reach your phone.
“Hello.” You answered, closing your eyes to relax as much as possible.
“Good morning to you too love. Didn’t wanna answer my calls eh?”
“I was sleeping Tom.”
“Yes, but you replied to Anna’s messages.”
“Well she needed to know if she will pick me up or not.”
“So you’re going?” He asked.
“Of course I’m going, wouldn’t miss that.”
“I kinda called you to say that I’m going to ask Sophie for that coffee, so God please help me and get her off my dick.” Tom continued, hoping that this will go as planned.
“Mmm great.” You moaned, the bath doing the job, making you feel ten times better.
“Are you touching yourself?” The voice on the other line spoke. You could practically hear him smirking.
“Excuse you?!” You screeched, not believing his words now.
Well there goes your relaxing time.
Thanks Tom.
“Nothing to be ashamed of. If I was you, I would do that too after the good sex last night, with me in your mind, rewinding the scenes that happened.” He laughed through the phone.
“Your ego is really bigger than your dick Holland.” You joked, but still telling the truth.
“Ouch sweetheart, should I let you finish what you started? We don’t want you to be that infuriated tonight.”
“For your information I’m having a bath. Trying to relax a bit.” You spit back.
“Ohh, so I did a good job after all?”
“Goodbye Thomas, see you tonight.”
“Sure sweetheart, see you.”
He really was a pain in the ass sometimes, but there was something that made you totally hooked.
You ended the call, standing up from the bath drying yourself up.
“Let’s find that bikini then.”
It was 5 PM now, the doorbell echoing through the small apartment.
“Just a minute!”
“Hello to you too gorgeous.” Anna’s singing voice lightened up your mood instantly.
The anxiety was present. Normally it would just be a stupid barbecue party. All good, nothing to worry about. Anna, Amelia, Tom and Harry would be your company, you would all enjoy the night, talking and drinking together.
But after everything you couldn’t suppress the nervousness that was making you almost puke.
“You look beautiful Y/N! So I believe that you put on the red thing right?” She smiled, winking at you.
“I did. Who knows maybe someone will love that old piece?” You joked, looking for your bag.
“Oh come on, I have someone for you to meet tonight, he is totally your type!” She began, “A great opportunity to set aside the crush for our famous lover.”
Anna was the only one who knew about the silly crush on Tom.
I mean how could she not? You, Tom and Anna were inseparable since you were little kids.
Harry was younger so he joined the group later.
Amelia was the last addition. You two met in college, clicking immediately. So you introduced her to others, and that’s how it began.
“Fair enough, I do need someone right?” You questioned, styling your hair.
“Yes! It has been a while since you have had a boyfriend, and sex.” She raised her eyebrows, sending you a cheeky smile.
Yes, it has been. Especially sex. Fifteen hours is extremely long. I agree with that Anna.
“Oh, wait you had company yesterday?” She asked, eyeing the two wine stained glasses that were on the kitchen counter.
What am I supposed to say now?
“Uhm, n-no..both glasses are mine.” You said, hoping that she doesn’t suspect something.
“Both?” She asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, I was reading a book. My regular Friday night, and I was in the mood for some wine. I kinda put the first glass in my room, and when I went back to the living room I was already tipsy and I forgot where I put my glass, so I just took a new one.”
“Christ what a lame excuse Y/N.” You thought, feeling your cheeks getting hotter.
“Not going to lie, that sounds like you. You’re so confused when you get drunk.” She laughed, making you relaxed.
“Yeah, yeah…totally. Are we going now?” You said changing the theme, exhaling the air that got stuck in your throat a few seconds ago.
“Let’s go, you’re boy is waiting!”
Jesus give me strength for this night.
“Y/N! Anna!” Harry yelled, drawing the attention to us.
A chill barbecue party? This place is almost jam-packed.
“Well long time no see Harry.” You smiled, embracing him in a tight hug.
“Since Monday. I know you can’t go without me that long.”
“I guess I can’t.”
“You two can get a drink and take a seat or whatever you want. I still need to finish this food so I will find you after that, yes?” He asked.
“Don’t worry Holland Y/N will definitely be busy in a while.” Anna stated, laughing together with Harry.
“Oooh yes, forgot about that.”
“Why does everyone know something that I don’t?” You asked completely confused.
“Enjoy yourself Y/N! Why don’t you get us something to drink and I will try to find Amelia?”
“Sure, whatever.” You answered, still a bit suspicious because of their behaviour.
The place was starting to get full. The music that was playing in the house was loud enough for you to make your way to the kitchen as fast as you could.
You were looking around the house trying to find him. You couldn’t help yourself.
The kitchen was small but at least empty, and it had a view on the whole living room.
You put Anna’s drink on the counter, resting your back on it and looking at the sea of people, hoping you would catch at least a glimpse of Tom.
And you caught more than a glimpse for sure.
Tom and a familiar blonde attached to his hip.
Nothing unusual.
If only he wasn’t that dumb and blind, so he could see how much you like him and how a relationship isn’t a bad thing.
If only.
You are his best friend but you still didn’t know him.
Tom was a great guy. He had a good heart, but why didn’t he trust girls? Why is commitment such an issue for him?
Many questions were in your head right now and they were all unanswered.
Oh Tom, I definitely need to lose these feelings.
“He sure knows how to get a girl.” A male voice spoke behind you, making you turn instantly.
You were greeted with a pair of deep blue eyes that were fixed on yours. His broad smile and perfect teeth were absolutely breathtaking. They could brighten up every girls day.
His figure was leaning on the fridge, drink in his hand. He adjusted his glasses, still looking at you.
“You mean Tom? Yeah, but only in his bed.” You joked, making him laugh.
“You’re not wrong.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. Harrison.” He extended his hand, waiting for your name.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You took his hand in yours, the warm feeling sending chills through your body.
Jesus those irresistible blue eyes.
You were smiling like crazy, possibly looking like a fool.
“Beautiful name.” He spoke.
“Thank you, yours is not that bad either.” You smiled, unable to keep your eyes away from him.
Oh shit Anna’s drink.
Well she wouldn’t mind.
“Would you like to go outside maybe? A bit to crowded here.” He asked.
Is he really asking me to go with him somewhere?
Just be yourself Y/N.
“After you.” He motioned you to go first, standing close behind you.
How incredible would it be if Tom saw you now.
However he was to busy facing the girl that will be his partner for the night. He was whispering in her ear, making the blonde giggle.
You couldn’t judge, you fell for his actions too.
This is just for fun. This is just sex. Nothing else.
Keep that in mind.
Someone out there is waiting for you.
“What do you say?” Harrison’s voice was ringing in your ears.
I zoned out again, why am I so embarrassing?
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you the music is just too much.” You turned your head, his face now close to yours.
“No worries. I asked if you would like to sit there.” He asked one more time, pointing to the small table in the garden.
You nodded.
There were still people around you, but his presence was making you more nervous than them.
You didn’t feel like this in a while, that’s a good start.
“So..you’re here with someone?” He began the small talk.
“Yes, with my friends. Couldn’t miss Harry’s ‘chill’ party.” You laughed, emphasising the word chill.
“Harry and his chill parties.” Harrison laughed, seeing where you’re coming from.
“You know him?” He added.
“Harry? We’re best friends since forever.”
“Really? How did I never met such a beautiful friend of his?”
You were blushing like a teen girl on her first date.
Who wouldn’t? Look at him, he was not just handsome but kind and sweet as well.
“I’m not someone who would immediately catch a boy’s attention, but thank you.” You smiled, glancing at him lowering your eyes on your drink.
“You sure caught mine.” His sweet voice spoke back.
The damn weird feeling in my stomach. Is he really making me feel these things already?
“Oh stop it you’re making me blush.” You covered your face, grinning widely.
“I think that you’re absolutely adorable when you blush if I may add.” He laughed.
Harrison was smitten.
He just wanted to get himself a drink and go find Harry.
However his plans were interrupted by a gorgeous girl in a pastel dress.
She was already lost in her thoughts when he stepped inside.
Harrison still got a perfect view of her face that was staring at the crowd forming inside the house. He saw her looking at his best friend, her facial expression turning into a disgusting one after she saw Tom fondling the girl’s bare arm.
“First girl that doesn’t find his flirting intriguing.” He thought.
He needed to talk to you. You were something else, he didn’t want to lose the chance.
Thank God he found the courage to say something, because now he wouldn’t be here sitting with you. Looking at the most engaging smile ever.
“Thank you.” You spoke, trying to calm yourself.
“So.. You and Tom?” He smirked rising his eyebrow, waiting for an answer.
Oh no he saw you staring.
Harrison was just curious. He saw the difference between you and other girls from college, but he still asked that.
“Me and him? God no! I’m his best friend.” You replied, putting on a disgusting face.
“Hey I don’t judge, just asking.” He put his hands up in in defence.
“But honestly, you don’t seem like that kind of girl.”
Now you were the one waiting for an answer.
“What I wanted to say is that you seem very bright. That the lame flirting attempts aren’t your weakness and that you’re not an attention seeker. You’re a girl who knows what she deserves. Gosh that sounded better in my head I’m sorry.” He chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I just think that you’re pretty cute, not like the other girls here.”
This guy.
You couldn’t get enough of him. Hopefully he will be around here much more.
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you Harrison, it turned out really nice.”
“Just the truth beautiful.” He smiled at you.
“Well, well, look what we have here.”
Tag List
#tom holland imagine#tom holland fanfic#tom holland#tom holland smut#tom holland fluff#tom holland angst#tom holland blurb#tom holland au#tom holland one shot#tom holland x reader#tom holland fanfiction#harrison osterfield imagine#harrison osterfield fanfic#harrison osterfield#harrison osterfield smut#harrison osterfield fluff#harrison osterfield au#harrison osterfield x reader#harrison osterfield blurb#frat boy!tom#fwb!au#fwb!tom#elli writes#The Agreement series
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from @/arstyspideyx on ig!
this live was so funny but look at his hands...
#tom holland#tom holland fic#tom holland smut#tom holland x reader#tom holland headcanon#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland blurb#college!peter parker#college!tom#frat boy!tom
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frat boy!tom falling for you would include: part one.
A/N: it’s good to be back. i just had orientation for college, so i’m thinking about college and frats right now. i got a little carried away so i might make another part of this. whoops. hope you enjoy !!
frat boy!tom falling for you would include: part one.
you most definitely met at a party.
probably at the beginning of the semester as a “welcome back to school” thing, his frat had a party and every girl on campus was invited.
so you figured, why not go to meet some new people at least?
you first saw him and a friend being obnoxiously loud at the beer pong table.
and our upperclassmen friends tell you that it’s TOM HOLLAND.
who has a rep for getting girls in bed with those deep brown eyes and delicious british accent and boyish good looks and charm.
and you agree he’s attractive, but you decide not to be that girl in college.
then your eyes lock and he winks at you before going back to his game with his friends.
later on in the night he finds you again and hands you a drink.
“i don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. ‘m Tom.”
and he has this smug look on his face almost like u should be LUCKY he’s talking to you, but that’s just not how you roll.
so you respond, “i’m not stupid enough to accept an open drink from a stranger.”
and he laughs and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard.
he leans down to your ear, trying to speak at a normal level over the music. and asks if you wanna “get out of here.”
you just shake your head and go back to your dorm.
and he is... #SHOOK.
he never gets rejected wtf this is... so new.
so the next day, you have a hangover but make it to your class, regardless.
if you guessed tom ur right.
and the seat next to him is the only one left, which is...weird.
when the professor starts talking he leans over to you.
“how was your night?”
you don’t answer, trying not to get distracted.
“well mine was, shit, thanks for asking. i really wanted to hang out with this pretty girl, and she just up and left. total cinderella move.”
that last crack makes you laugh, even though you wish it didn’t.
then the people sitting in the row behind you shush him.
but it was that day tom decided he would get u to give him a chance.
#tom holland headcanon#tom holland imagine#tom holland fanfiction#frat boy! tom#tom holland#mine#ta daaa
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Anna's April Fic Recs ✨
Hello everyone, wellcome to my April fic recommendations (part 1) masterpost! This is a new thing I want to try to do and create a list like that twice a month. It really pains me that the amazing authors out there don't get the recognition they dereserve so I'm gonna do what I can to spread my love for them. I also hope more people will get to experience the joy of reading all these wonderful works!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much! To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It's the least we could do to show our gratitude.
Without further ado, here are the fic I read this month and adored
Bucky Barnes
Take a chance on me by @jurassicbarnes
one-shot, single mum!au, fwb to lovers
Bucky's game nights by @eurynome827
series, slow burn, they're playing games with their hearts
Baby fever by @youlightmeupfinn
one-shot, who wouldn't want that man as their baby daddy?
All yours by @babyboibucky
one-shot, 18+, tfatws!Bucky
A single thread by @jobean12-blog
one-shot, coffeeshop with Buck
New adventures by @celestialbarnes
one-shot, best friends to lovers
Beautiful girl by @borkingbarnes
one-shot, a morning with Buck
Erase every trace by @angrythingstarlight
one-shot, 18+, tfatws!Bucky
What you need by @buckycuddlebuddy
one-shot, 18+, best friend and roommate!Bucky, a cam is involved 👀
Cookies, kisses and such by @sweetbucky
one-shot, friends to lovers
The Match by @/babyboibucky
series, ceo!bucky
Policework by @jurassicbarnes
one-shot, police detectives!au
Eyes on you by @kleohoneyao3
one-shot, 18+
Take me as I am, whoever I am by @/jurassicbarnes
one-shot, 18+
Greedy by @/babyboibucky
one-shot, 18+, hot hot hot!
Destructive by @buckybarnesdiaries
one-shot, Bucky's scared of his feelings
Sunday kinda' love by @msmarvelwrites
one-shot, 18+, some things are more important than breakfast
Separation, connection (part 2) by @firefly-in-darkness
two-shot, 18+, the angst is strong in this one
Angel on her knees by @/babyboibucky
one-shot, 18+, Bucky gets some love hehe
Feelings are fatal by @sunmoonandbucky
series, steve leaves to be with Peggy, reader deals with the loss
It's messy inside, let me take your coat by @/divine-mistake
one-shot, 18+, plus size!reader
Beautiful people by @nacho-bucky
series, plus size!reader, the most real, beautiful, human story
Sam Wilson
Dancing with Sam Wilson would include... by @certifiedskywalker
head cannon, the title says it all
Positions by @luciilferss
one-shot, 18+, Sam's a gem Monday through Sunday
Identity by @samwilsons-pillowpecs
series, Sam loses memory and they say he wanted to kill Bucky
Amartment 3C by @/bohemianpages
series, Sam comes back from the snap to find his flat occupied
Honest by @xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, tfatws!sam
The first time you realise you are in love by @barnesnroses
part of a mini series, the fluff 😫
Walk me home by @whisperlullaby
one-shot, Sam comes to the rescue
Memory loss by @/captain-kelli
series, Sam and reader are on a hunt for winter solider
Cratures of habit by @callitdreamland
miniseries, sambucky x reader
How sweet it is by @indyluckycharlie
series, sambucky modern!au
The therapist by @holylulusworld
mini series, y/n helps them with their problems
Steve Rogers
Glitter by @sarahwroteathing
one-shot, elementary teacher!Steve x single mom!reader
Error by @buckysknifecollection
one-shot, de-serumed!steve
Words whispered in the dark by @anika-ann
part of the Attached series or stand alone, modern-college-professor AU, 18+
Corrupting a good boy by @donutloverxo
series, ceo!steve x desi!reader
Cash rules everything around me by @/slyyywriting
series, stripper!steve
Where the love light gleams by @/sunmoonandbucky
series, social media!au
Sharon Carter
Permanent by @/samwilsons-pillowpecs
one-shot, tattoo artist!sharon
Loki Laufeyson
Steam by @the--sad--hatter
series, slowburn, enemies to frenemies to idiots in love
Peter Parker
Love sick and a little bit drunk by @spideyspeaches
one-shot, collage!peter
Invisible string by @peterbenjiparker
series, soulmate!au
Don't hold back by @hollandcrush
one-shot, 18+, college!peter
Dancing with our hand tied by @/justeclipseblogs
series, stark!reader, enemies to lovers
My medication by @/kelieah
one-shot, broken teens in love
Tom Holland
Lockscreen by @cherrycheridarling
one-shot, famous!reader
Monday mornings by @blissfulparker
one-shot, professor!tom x professor!reader
Written in the stars by @ptersmj
one-shot, fuff!!!
Hooked on your feelings by @heyhihellowhatsup0
series, fwb!tom
Ski date by @tetralea
one-shot, 18+, idiots in love, friends to lovers
Take sugar? by @/hollandcrush
one-shot, carpenter!tom x ex-best friend!reader, 18+
I swear to God I never fall in love by @hazofmyheart
one-shot, fratboy!tom, 18+, spoiler alert: he does
Break up with your girlfriend by @rosyparkers
one-shot, 18+, frat football player!tom, cheerleader!y/n, fwb au
Perennial by @peeterparkr
series, sequel to Perdify, the biggest oof moment yet
All for her by @screamholland
series, single dad!tom
Royal convinience by @/poetrcy
series, royal!au
Kiss me slowly by @/storybookholland
one-shot, soft frat!tom
Harry Holland
Always by @/multiholland
series, best freind!harry
Sam Holland
'tis the damn season by @/unsaidholland
one-shot, ex boyfriend!sam
Our night by @/storybookholland
one-shot, jealous!sam
Harrison Osterfield
No way by @soft-haz
one-shot, friends to lovers
Second self by @/soft-haz
one-shot, 18+, reader gives Haz a hand wink wink
Harrison mastelist by @allegra-writes
lots of great Haz things!
Bet on it by @storybookholland
series, fwb
Whole masterlist by @uglypastels
these all wonderful!! you should also check out the amazing art works at the bottom of this masterlist
The Fountain of Ichor by @thegirlintheswivelchair
series, leo x lady-in-waiting!reader
Anthony Bridgerton
Sham, pride and illicit affairs by @/peeterparkr
series, quite possibly the most poetic fic ever written
Coming home again by @/misstonybridgerton
series, old friends reunite
Spencer Reid
An Interesting Electronic by @/homoose
one-shot, 18+
Frank Adler
I ruined our sweet tune by @/rodrikstark
one-shot, kinda professor!frank
Ransom Drysdale
The Five Times You Told Ransom Drysdale You Loved Him (And The One Time He Said It Back) by @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
one-shot, childhood friends to life gets in the way to lovers
Sacrilage by @the-iceni-bitch
one-shot, 18+, you'll have to shower in holy water after this
Okay, I might have gone a little overboard but hey, there's no such thing as too much good fanfiction!
Enjoy! 🥰
#april fic recs#april fic recs part 1#fic rec#anna's fic recs#bucky barnes x reader#steve rogers x reader#sam wilson x reader#tom holland x reader#harrison osterfield x reader#sambucky x reader#sambucky#peter parker x reader
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Wicked Game ~ T.H
pairing: frat! Tom Holland x Reader
chapter six: your sleight of hand
trigger warnings: involuntary intoxication, allusion to sa, no actual sa
series masterlist
Brad was passing by and saw you and Tom wrapped around each other. He looked up and saw Trent near the front door. Trent nodded and left the house, and Brad knew what to do.
“All right, all right. We get it. You won the bet, Tom. You don’t have to rub it in our faces.” Brad said loudly as he patted Tom on the back. All the color drained from Tom’s face as your eyes lit up in surprise.
“You won a bet, babe?” You smiled proudly. “What was it?”
“Oh. It’s just this stupid thing. You’re gonna laugh when I tell you.”
“Tell me.” You said through a tipsy giggle.
“The day we met, before the party, a couple of us saw you in the courtyard, right? And you inspired us to make a little bet.”
“What kind of bet?” You playfully gasped.
“Whatever boy in the house could get a girl to fall in love with them they fastest would get to be President next year.” Tom explained as he continued to sway with you to the music.
“Wait.” Your smile faltered a little as you listened to his story.
“Sounds easy right?” He continued. “I figured I would win in a day. But then the boys picked you for me to go after and I knew I had zero chance of winning.”
“Wait.” You said again as your arms slowly slide off of him.
“It’s just because you’re so you and I’m so me, you know? I didn’t think you’d ever go for me. But the boys convinced me.” Tom shrugged, never dropping his drunken smile. You took your arms all the way off of him now and put your hand on your stomach, feeling nauseous all of the sudden.
“Oh my God.” You whispered as the room began to spin around you. Tom was too drunk to notice the way you were reacting.
“Wait, wait. I haven’t gotten to the funny part yet. You’re gonna laugh. Trust me.” Tom laughed and waved his hand. “So I get Harrison to get your roommate to bring you to our party. And somehow, our master plan works. You and I hit it off and the rest is history.”
“I’m still waiting for the funny part.”
“The funny part is that I’m the one who fell. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’m so in love with you, darling. You don’t even know.” Tom smiled warmly at you as he took your hands into his.
“Don’t touch me.” You ripped your hands away and held yourself.
“What?” Tom frowned. “What’s wrong, princess?”
“What’s wrong?” You raised your voice. “You just told me our entire relationship was based on some sick, perverted bet.”
“It started as a bet, yes. But I fell in love with you for real. Why are you upset?” Tom genuinely wondered, too drunk to fully grasp the situation.
“Because I was just the butt of the joke for you and your stupid friends.“ You shouted as your eyes filled with tears. Party goers looked over to see what the commotion was about and listened in.
“No, no, no.” Tom quickly tried to backtrack. “You weren’t a joke. It wasn’t like that, love.”
“Then why was it me? Why did your friends pick me for you to go after?”
Tom’s stomach was turning as all the guilt and lies caught up to him. He wished he wasn’t drunk when having the most important conversation of his life.
“I don’t know. Because you weren’t really in our crowd. None of us knew who you were. We just knew you were really smart. It was funny.” Tom weakly tried to explain himself.
“Why is it funny that someone would love me?” You screamed, making the party go silent. Tom blinked in surprise, never having heard you stray from your soft spoken nature.
“It’s not. I promise it’s not. But you were sitting right there and the opportunity was perfect. The boys picked you because they knew you’d never go for a guy like me. Plus, no one in the house had ever been with you before. We all thought you were a virgin.”
“What does that matter?” Your eyes darkened a little at the new information.
“Well what would you rather drive? A brand new Mercedes or a an old station wagon that had a couple thousand miles on it?” Tom tried to explain himself with the analogy Trent had used. It made sense to him when Trent said it, but the look on your face told Tom he should not have repeated that.
“So that’s what it takes for you to see me as something with value? You have to compare me to a car?” You asked as mascara-stained tears rolled down your face.
“Well when you put it like that-“
“Do you have any idea how dehumanizing that is?” You cut him off. “Or how inherently creepy it is to go after virgins in the first place? You’re acting like a woman’s sexual past is equivalent to depreciation.”
“You know I don’t understand you when you use big words like that.” Tom said quietly.
“You know what Tom? I don’t understand you either.” You laughed sadly. “I thought you were a nice guy. Better yet, I thought I loved you. And I was stupid enough to believe you loved me too. But you’re not a nice guy. You’re a sociopath. So you can’t love me. You can’t love anyone. That saves you from ever having to love yourself because take it from me, that’s a particularly wicked game. A game I didn’t even know I was playing. Fuck you, fuck this frat, fuck the bet, and fuck you again because I don’t feel it truly sinking in. You are a detestable, microphallus, pithy excuse for a man. And I hope I never fucking see you again.“
Tom’s jaw dropped in shock after your monologue. He felt his own eyes well up in tears as he realized just how bad the situation was. He didn’t get a chance to break the truth to you in a delicate way and now he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to redeem himself.
“She knows so many words.” Brad mumbled to himself.
“I just googled microphallus.” One of the frat brothers laughed and showed Brad his phone. You and Tom shared a long look as the attendants of the party stared at you. You both had tears rolling down your face, but your face was twisted in anger while his was crestfallen. You shook your head at Tom and gave him the worst look of all, a look of disappointment. Before you could walk away, Harrison came back into the room.
“Woah. What’s going on in here?” He asked as he looked around the room.
“Harrison. Not now. Get out of here.” Tom ordered as he wiped his face.
“Did Peyton know about the bet?” You turned to Harrison to ask.
“The bet?” His eyes flew open. “Oh shit, dude. You told her?”
“No, I didn’t tell her. Freaking Brad told her.” Tom croaked as he pointed to Brad. Brad held up his hands in defense as everyone’s attention turned to him.
“Oh shit.” Harrison repeated. “No, Peyton didn’t know. I just told her to bring you to the party that night because I had a friend for you to meet.”
“Are you guys okay? What’s going on in here?” Harry asked as he came into the room as well.
“Not now, Harry.” Harrison answered and nodded towards Tom. Harry looked around in confusion and saw your devastated expression.
“Oh no. What’s wrong, Shark Week? Are you okay?” Harry asked with genuine concern but unknowingly made the situation worse.
“She knows about the bet.” Harrison said quietly.
“Oh, shit.” Harry burst out laughing. “Did you guys tell her how funny it was though?”
“She didn’t find it very funny.” Tom said through a clenched jaw. Brad surveyed the room and smirked a little.
“I have to say, I’m surprised she didn’t find it funny. We all thought it was hilarious.” Brad spoke up. “What was that thing you said, Tom? That lonely girls like Y/n will tell anybody that they love them just in case they say it back?”
“Brad.” Harrison whispered harshly and made a motion for him to be quiet.
“What? It was so funny.” Brad played dumb. “Tom was all like, “yeah bros, I just have to fuck her and she’ll be telling me she loves me before I get my pants back on”. Didn’t you say that Tom?“
“You said that?” Your voice cracked as you looked at Tom. All the women in the room began to back away from Tom and Brad, equally disgusted with their behavior.
“I didn’t know you yet. I was an asshole back then. I didn’t mean that.” Tom’s voice shook as he tried to explain himself.
“Back then? That was a few months ago. Clearly, you haven’t changed. If anything, you’re worse now because back then, you weren’t lying to me.”
“I’m starting to get the feeling I shouldn’t be here.” Harry thought out loud, catching your attention.
“Wait, Harry. You called me Shark Week. Brad called me that too. What does that mean?” You asked as you looked at all the boys. Harrison, Tom, and Harry looked down in shame and Brad let out a satisfied sigh.
“What?” You asked again. “What does it mean?”
Nobody wanted to be the one to answer you, so they all stayed silent.
“Tom?” You asked him directly. Tom gave you an apologetic look and shrugged a little.
“I might’ve told them about you bleeding on my sheets.” Tom said quietly. He thought you’d get even angrier if that was possible, but you just let out a laugh.
“Oh. I get it.” You nodded your head. “This was all just one big joke to you. I was just one big fucking joke.”
“No you weren’t, I swear. You weren’t a joke. What we had was real to me. I really do love you. Please believe me.” Tom pleaded with you as he reached for you.
“Why would I believe you? You are such a liar.” You said as you stepped back from him.
“Because I’m telling the truth.” Tom smiled weakly at you. He looked into your eyes and hoped you could find it in your heart to hear him out. You studied Tom’s face for a moment and cracked a sad smile.
“You promised you wouldn’t break my heart.” You said quietly, quiet enough for only him to hear. That felt like a final blow for Tom as hot tears slipped down his face.
“I didn’t-“
You smacked him across the face before he could finish his sentence. Your hand stung even worse than his face did, but neither of you cared. He didn’t even touch his cheek to ease the pain. He didn’t feel like he deserved to be soothed. He just stood there and felt the pain.
“I hate you.” You told him, looking him right in the eyes as you said it.
This brought forth a different kind of pain, and not the kind that Tom would bear. A small gasp escaped his lips and he felt his heart crumble in his chest. All you could do what hope he felt half of what you were feeling when he shattered your soul. You sized him up and let out a quiet, dry laugh before turning around. People parted for you and cleared a space for you to leave the house. Tom watched each step you took out of the house until you shut the door behind you. Tom covered his face with his hands as he started to really cry. Harry and Harrison went over to him and wrapped their arms around him for comfort.
“Dude, cheer up. You won the bet.” Harry reminded him as he rubbed his brothers back.
“I know.” Tom sniffled. “But I lost her.”
Meanwhile, you were walking away from the frat house as you wiped your face. You pulled out your phone to call Peyton, but she didn’t respond so you left a voicemail. As you stumbled down the walkway, you heard a party in full swing. You looked up and saw multicolored lights coming out of the Alpha Theta frat house.
“I forgot there were other frats on campus.” You mumbled to yourself. You walked into the house and went straight to the kitchen. You didn’t normally drink, but you weren’t particularly looking forward to feeling this pain. You downed a few shots and took a beer from the counter before going to the dance floor.
It didn’t take long for Trent to spot you in the crowd. He assumed Brad had told you about the bet by now and that’s why you were getting drunk at a different frat house. Trent smiled and got his friends attention before going over to you.
“Hey. I’m Trent. This is James.” Trent said as he gestured to his friend. You barely looked at either of them as you finished the rest of your drink.
“Aren’t you Y/n?“ Trent continued, catching James’s attention.
“I used to be.” You gave him a drunk smile and stumbled a little.
“Wait, Y/n? Isn’t that Hollands girl? He’ll kill us both for even thinking about it.” James whispered to Trent.
“Chill, bro. She’s not his girl anymore. You didn’t hear about their bet?” Trent whispered back.
“What bet?” James wondered.
“I’ll tell you.” You chimed in. “You guys are horrible at whispering by the way. Anyways, my details might be fuzzy because I’m quite literally the last person to know, but the Delta Nu frat had a bet going that the first guy to get a pathetic loser to fall in love with him would get the be president. And guess who the pathetic loser was?”
You moved your wrist around in a circle before pointing to yourself. Trent and James exchanged a look before returning their attention to you.
“Damn. That sucks.” James looked at you sympathetically.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “It does suck.”
“Well did he win?” James wondered. “Did you actually fall in love with him?”
“Duh. That’s why I’m a pathetic loser. See before I met him, I was more loser than pathetic. Then, he made me feel like I was the coolest girl ever. Like a real-life manic pixie dream girl.”
“A what?”
“Shh. I’m talking.” You hushed them. “Anyways, now that the bet is done, he’s the president of the top frat on campus, and I’m just the pathetic loser he used to get there.”
Trent and James exchanged a look once you finished your story. James felt bad for you, but Trent was just happy knowing Tom was somewhere hurting.
“But now I’m here! Drinking at your party until I forget that the only boy I ever loved was just using me to get ahead in a competition he was already winning. Cheers.” You said as you took a drink out of the hand of someone walking by and downed it. You looked at the boys again in your drunken gaze and frowned.
“Sorry, what did you say your name was?” You asked.
“Trent. I’m actually in the Delta Nu frat. I just had no idea about the bet.” Trent lied as he shook your hand.
“Really?” You asked. “I figured all the guys were in on it.”
“No. I don’t really hang out with those guys. They always do barbaric shit like that. And Tom’s the worst one. The bet was actually his idea.” Trent continued to lie just to fully bury Tom.
“It was?” Your face crumpled with this new information. James looked angrily at Trent for making you feel worse than you already did.
“Yeah. I tried to get him to stop the bet because of how disgusting it was, but he insisted on it.” Trent shrugged. The opposite was true, but you didn’t know that.
“Dude, didn’t you just say you didn’t know about the bet?” James said as he gave Trent a look.
“Shh. She’s drunk and heartbroken. She’s not even listening.” Trent whispered to James and gestured to you.
“What wattage is that lightbulb?” You asked as you pointed to the light above you.
“See what I mean?” Trent said to James before returning his attention to you. “Do you want to get drunk?”
“I don’t know. I’m already drunk and kinda just want to go home and cry.” You said as you started to feel uneasy.
“Come on. Live a little. You can cry tomorrow.” Trent said as he wrapped an arm around you.
“That is true.” You shrugged.
“Let me get you a drink.” Trent smiled and lead you to the kitchen. James got a weird feeling in his stomach and followed close behind you. You did a few more shots with Trent and when he offered you another, you turned him down.
“I think I’m good for now. I’ve had enough for the night.”
“Then I’ll make you a virgin cocktail. I’m really good at it. Virgins are the best.” Trent said now that you were in the kitchen. James lingered in the doorway and pretended not to be listening.
“I don’t know. I’m not really supposed to drink things I don’t pour.” You laughed nervously and leaned against a door for support. You were a lot drunker than you intended to be and we’re starting to regret it.
“Please? It’ll give me a chance to practice.“ Trent replied as he began to make you a drink. You didn’t want to say yes, but you knew he wouldn’t stop asking until he did.
“Okay. Sure. Fine. But no alcohol.” You reminded him as you looked over your shoulder for a bathroom. When your head was turned, Trent poured a few shots of vodka into the drink he was making you.
“Dude. She said no alcohol.” James said loud enough for you to hear, but your head was off in space.
“She didn’t mean that.” Trent rolled his eyes. “I’m doing her a favor. Once she’s drunk, she’ll forget all about Tom and his bet.”
“I don’t like this, bro. I don’t think you know what you’re doing.” James said as he put a hand over the drink Trent was making for you. Trent ripped the cup away and pushed James back a little.
“Holland disrespected me in front of the entire frat. He called me a dog. This is payback.” Trent whispered harshly as he brought the cup over to you.
“Are you sure there’s no alcohol in this?” You asked as you stared into the cup.
“Scouts honor.” Trent crossed his heart and gave you a warm smile. You smiled back and drank what was in the cup.
You managed to slip away from Trent and James and went to dance in the living room. You didn’t see the dozens of missed calls and texts from Tom and Peyton as you danced with strangers. You felt your cup being taken out of your hand at one point and opened your eyes to see who it was.
“Here. Let me refresh your drink.” Trent smiled at you and placed a full cup in your hand. You were significantly drunker now, more so than you ever had been before. You didn’t taste the alcohol Trent had slipped you as you downed what was in the cup. A few minutes went by and you started to feel like the room was spinning around you. You crumbled your empty cup in your hand and went to sit on the couch. Trent was by your side in no time with another cup in his hand. This time, you pushed it away.
“Don’t feel so good. Mm gonna go home.” You mumbled as you stood up. You almost tripped over your own feet but he caught you.
“What? Don’t go home now. The party is just getting started.” Trent smiled and held you in place. You tried to move, but his grip was too strong and you were too drunk.
“Mmm not up for it tonight.” You stumbled over your words and pulled out your phone. You tried to read the texts Peyton had sent you but your vision was blurry.
“My phone is almost dead. I really gotta go.” You gulped a little and went for the door again.
“Come on. Don’t be a buzzkill.” Trent stepped in front of you and blocked you.
“I’m not. I just have to go home.” You gave him a weak smile and tried to get past him.
“Okay. Sure. I’ll get you home.” Trent offered and put an arm around you to lead you to the door.
“That’s okay. I can make it myself.” You told him as an anxious feeling rose up in your stomach. Your head was pounding and you couldn’t think straight in the moment.
“No you can’t. You can barely stand.” Trent pointed out. You looked around for anyone you knew who might be able to help you, but saw no one.
“I’m okay. Really.” You tried to assure him as you nearly fell over. He laughed as he caught you and started walking towards the door.
“Where are you going?” James asked as he blocked you and Trent from leaving.
“We’re just getting some fresh air.” Trent lied. “She doesn’t feel so good so I’m gonna take her outside.”
“She looks really drunk.” James said sternly. Your head was hanging down and you could barely hear the conversation.
“She’s fine.” Trent insisted. “She’s just playing.”
He tried to leave again and James noticed the way your feet were practically dragging on the floor behind you. He stepped in front of Trent again which only made him angrier.
“Dude, she looks really drunk. Where are you guys going?“ James asked again as he glared at Trent.
“Don’t worry about it.” Trent said through clenched teeth. James gulped and looked at you again. Your eyes were shut now and you were hanging off of Trent like a rag doll.
“You’re just getting some air?” James asked skeptically as he looked between you and Trent.
“Yeah. I’m your friend, dude. You know me. I’m not gonna do anything stupid.” Trent gave James an eerie smile and pulled you closer.
“Say bye, Y/n.” Trent said to you. You picked your head up a little when you heard your name and gave James a sleepy smile.
“Bye James.” You held up a hand as if you were waving and then touched your thumb to your palm and closed your fingers around it. James furrowed his eyebrows at the odd movement as your head hung limply again.
“Bye James.” Trent winked at him before walking out the door with you. As soon as you were out of James’s sight, he got a bad feeling in his chest. He went over to the cup that you had dropped and picked it up. When he sniffed it, he was hit with a scent of alcohol that made his eyes water. His stomach began to churn as his mind went through every worst case scenario. If Trent had gotten you drunk without your knowledge, there must’ve been a bigger plan at play. James raced outside the house and looked around but didn’t see you or Trent anywhere. He sighed in frustration and ran to the Delta Nu frat house. When he walked in, he saw Harry and Harrison in a heated discussion in the kitchen.
“Dudes. Where’s Tom?” James asked them in a panic. Before they could answer, Brad came into the kitchen and spotted James.
“Woah. What do you think you’re doing here? No other frats allowed.” Brad scoffed as he pushed James back a little.
“Where’s Tom?” James ignored him and asked again.
“Upstairs.” Harrison told him. “But I wouldn’t bother him right now. He’s pretty upset.”
“Where is he? I need to talk to him. It’s urgent.” James explained as he ran towards the stairs. Harry and Harrison exchanged a look of confusion and followed after James.
“Which door is his?” James asked as he banged on all the doors.
“He’s not gonna open the door.” Harry told him.
“He has to. He has to help her.” James said, his anxiety evident in his tone. Harry and Harrison exchanged a confused look and went over to James.
“Wait, slow down. It’s okay. Just tell us what’s wrong.” Harry said calmly as he held James by the shoulders.
“It’s Y/n. Trent got her drunk and he left the party with her.”
“What party?” Harrison asked immediately.
“Over at Alpha Theta.” James replied.
“Where did he take her?” Harry asked.
“I don’t know. Guys, I think something bad is going to happen.” James gulped as his eyes darted between the two boys. Harry and Harrison looked at each other and made a decision.
“Come on. We gotta tell Tom.” Harrison nodded towards Tom’s door.
“You go tell Tom. I’m gonna get Sam and to try and find Y/n.” Harry decided. All the boys nodded and split up in different directions.
Meanwhile, you were in and out of consciousness as you walked down the sidewalk. Your arms were wrapped around Trent’s neck with your phone in your hand.
“Wait. This isn’t the way to my dorm.” You realized and stopped walking. You almost fell over, so Trent tightened his grip around your waist and helped you stand upright.
“Shh. We’re just going to my friends dorm. He’s not home.” Trent told you as he continued to drag you along.
“I need to go home. My roommate is probably freaking out. She doesn’t know where I am.” You said as you pulled away from him.
“Then text her and tell her you’re fine.” Trent replied and pulled you back towards him. You lifted your heavy head and saw that you were standing outside of one of the dorms.
“My phone is dead. Can I use your phone?” You asked as you made sure your phone's camera was pointed at the address of the building.
“Yeah. Once we go inside.” Trent said as he started to pull you up the stairs.
“I don’t want to go up there.” You shook your head and pulled away from him.
“Come on. You need some water.” Trent said and pulled you again. You tried to stay put but your legs felt like jelly.
“I’m fine. I’m just gonna go home.” You said and started to walk away. Trent ran after you and stood in front of you.
“Just come up and use my phone to tell your roommate where you are.” He smiled sweetly at you as he held you in place. You looked over your shoulder at the dimly light street and gulped a little. You felt too disoriented to make it back to your apartment on your own and knew you needed Peyton to come get you.
“Okay.” You decided. “Just to call Peyton.”
“Yeah. Let’s call Peyton.” Trent smirked and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He helped you up the stairs and brought you to his first floor dorm. You stumbled inside and immediately went for his couch.
“I’m gonna sit.” You mumbled as you flopped down on the couch. Trent went to the kitchen and poured two drinks for the two of you. He looked over his shoulder at you and saw that your eyes were closed.
“Okay.” He smirked. “Get comfortable.”
National Sexual Assault Hotline
What to do if your friend drank too much
Distress signals if you feel unsafe
International hand signal for help
Warning signs your friend is a sexual predator
Recognizing predatory behaviors
Helping a drunk friend
Tag List 🏷
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#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland x y/n#tom holland fluff#tom holland fanfiction#frat!tom holland x nerd!reader#frat!tom#frat boy!tom holland x reader
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Want you entirely | t.h.
Pairing: Frat boy!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your friend asks you out on a date, but Tom is jealous.
Warnings: frat boy Tom, jealous Tom, suggestive, slightly smut (not really smut, it’s mostly implied), angst and fluff if you squeeze, OC Oliver
Word count: 480ish
A/N: Hello hello! I’m a sucker for frat boy and jealous Tom, what else can I say? I know that I pretty much disappeared, but it’s just that I’m busy and I have no inspiration. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Idea comes from some videos I saw on TikTok.
If you wanna be tagged in my Tom Holland/Peter Parker fics, just let me know in my ask box! You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer!
Taglist Tom/Peter stories: @imawhoreforu
Main Masterlist
Tom Holland Masterlist
Peter Parker Masterlist
[gif credit]
There was something in his eyes. You couldn’t tell exactly what, but it seemed a spark. Jealousy, perhaps? When you made eye contact with him, his chest was firm, but his jaw was clenched. Fire would burn less.
“Y/N? Do you wanna go on a date with me?” Your college friend, Oliver, repeated. You glanced at him for a second, then you looked again at Tom, but he was still sitting on the couch of the library without saying a word. He was just observing the two of you. Everybody knew that you two had broken up a while ago, but since Tom was kinda famous, no one dared to ask you out. It was like you still belonged to him, somehow.
You looked directly into his eyes, licking your lips. You didn’t belong to anybody and if Tom thought you did, he would have found out soon enough how wrong he was.
“It would be my pleasure, Oliver,” you said and he smiled at you.
“I’m gonna pick you up at eight,” he said, then he left.
He left you alone with Tom, except for the part that he wasn’t there anymore. You wondered why he went away, but then you decided that you didn’t really care so you got up from the chair in order to leave the library. One moment later, someone grabbed your arm and brought you into the book’s closet.
“If you think that you can get away with it, you’re wrong, darling,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver. It was so dark, you could barely see his shape.
“Are you trying to scare me, Tom?” You asked, playfully. You didn’t even know what you were doing, but Hell, you were enjoying every minute of it.
His fingertips caressed your thighs under your skirt, going up your legs as if they were two highways. You stopped him, squeezing his hand. You felt his eyes on your face, waiting for you to say something. A wolf who was too hungry, but still willing to listen. That was Tom. And you loved him too much to push him away, honestly.
“I want everything, Tom,” you said, firmly. Your whole heart was aching for him. “Every part of you. Not like the last time. You mean too much to me,” you almost felt out of breath. It was hard for you to reveal your feelings to people, but you had to play that card with Tom. You wanted him and wanting somebody is the most powerful thing in the world.
He wiped a tear on your cheek with his thumb, his breath close to your forehead. When he spoke, his lips were brushing your skin: “I promise you, Y/N: this time, you’re gonna have me entirely,” he said.
Another second later, he was kissing your neck and you lost yourself into his embrace.
#tom holland x reader#tom holland#erule's masterlist#frat boy tom holland x reader#frat boy tom holland#frat boy!tom holland x reader#tom holland blurb#tom holland hc#tom holland headcanon#tom holland imagine#tom holland ff#tom holland fanfic#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland one shot#tom holland smut#tom holland fluff#tom holland angst#peter parker x reader#tom holland x fem reader#tom holland x you#tom holland x fem!reader#tom holland x y/n
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝟏𝐊 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

Thank you to everyone who sent in asks and requests for my 1k sleepover, it means so much to me!! Hopefully I’ll have another sleepover at another milestone ♡

Here is the masterlist of all the fanfictions that | wrote and the moodboards | made for my 1K sleepover. The list consists of fanfics of Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, and Tom Holland.
Some work might contain NSFW themes (slight smut/mentions of sex) and have been marked the same, minors DNI with NSFW.
—Please do not repost my work anywhere even if you give me credit, | do not want my work distributed but reblogs/feedback is always appreciated.

What’s The Date Today? (Peter Parker x Reader)
Request— Maybe a slightly angsty blurb abt pete forgetting y/n’s bday? like he just got too caught up with spider-man biz
Seasons (Peter Parker x Reader)
Request— I've been in a pretty meh mood and | was wondering if you could possibly write a Peter Parker x Reader based off the song Ophelia by the Lumineers and Wonder by Shawn Mendes. Just some cute fluff
Almost Caught— (Bucky Barnes x Reader) NSFW
Requested by anonymous - Dad's friend!Bucky + reader, bonus points if Steve is the father of the reader jensjsks
Little Baby Holland — (Tom Holland x Reader) NSFW
Request— Baby making with Tom!!!
— Part 2: Baby Theo (Tom Holland x Reader)
Request— Can you do a part two to Little Baby Holland where the reader gives birth.
The Rumours Are True (Tom Holland x Reader)
Request— A red carpet blurb with torn holland, u are both co-stars in a movie that's nominated, and you are close so you're together most of the event. paparazzi and fans take pics and videos and be of the pics/vids ppl start to speculate that u too might be dating... i just want a lot of warm, nice fluff and tom being a goof

1. Andy Barber x Dark Academia
2. Biker!Steve Rogers
3. Tom Holland as Flynn Rider
4. Tom Holland as the Wolf of Wall Street
5. Loki Laufeyson x Renaissance Paintings
6. Frat Boy!Peter Parker
7. Domestic!Bucky Barnes

#loveaffaire’s 1k sleepover#literally posting this for the 3rd time because my tags fuck it up smh#tom holland#tom holland one shot#peter parker#tom holland smut#tom holland x reader#peter parker one shot#peter parker smut#tom holland imagines#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagines#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes imagines#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes angst
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The bet
A Harry Holland mini series

Part 3 (the beat down)
Warnings : angst, cursing, fighting.
Series Masterlist
Word count: 3.3k
Harry woke you up a few minutes later with a sense of urgency. He insisted you get up and get ready for another day together. You were confused as you sleepily got up and complied. A few hours later and you had gone to breakfast, went and watched the planes take off from the airport and then went to a petting zoo.
The sun was beginning to set as you guys pulled up to your spot and Harry got out of the car before grabbing a few blankets and setting up a little area for the two of you under the bridge.
"Harry," you said as he finished what he was doing.
"Yeah?" He looked up to you with a look of worry.
"What's going on?" You Wondered, he had been acting strange all day and you weren't sure as to why.
"I'm nervous," he admitted, "sorry, has this been too much?" He asked you.
You shook your head as you stepped over to him and grabbed his hand for him to stop. "Hey, it's just me, you don't need to be nervous," you told him bringing your hand up to his face and cradling it.
He shut his eyes before taking a deep breath. "What have you done to me y/n?" He asked. His voice was filled with conviction and fear, there was something so raw about the emotions you were seeing from Harry, you couldn't help but come to a resolve to an inner argument you had been having for the better part of a few weeks.
"I've just shown you how good it can be," you whispered, hoping he would know what you meant.
"I've never felt like this before, pretty girl," Harry whispered looking into the depth of your eyes.
"Just let go baby," you whispered as you pushed up onto your tippy toes and brought your lips to his.
He kissed you back, with more emotion than you expected, before pulling away.
"I have to tell you something," he blurted.
You furrowed your brows, but nodded, Taking a seat on the blanket. "Ok," you told him.
"Do you remember the first time we came here?" He asked. "Specifically the car ride," he elaborated.
You nodded as you stared at him. "Sure, we talked about how you had never been in love and if your heart got broken you wanted it to be your own fault," you told him, not sure where he was going with the conversation.
He nodded as he stared ahead to the water. "I meant that, you know, I had never been in love," he told you.
You stayed silent for a minute as you watched him, unsure of where his head was at. "Had never, or have never?" You asked finally.
He turned his gaze to you and gave you a small smile, "had never," he confirmed.
You felt your eyes water as you watched him. Did Harry love you? Were you ready to try this again? Surely things with Harry would be better, so what was the harm in trusting him, he had already shown you that you could.
You leaned across the space between the two of you bringing your lips to his and kissing him, this time he didn't break away, instead he pulled you towards him until you were straddling him.
His tongue swept across your lips before you opened them, giving him access as you buried your fingers in his curly hair, something you had wanted to do for months.
Harry groaned as he went to pull away, knowing if he went through with this and then told you after you would hate him even more. He couldn't do that to you, he refused to. So he cupped your face gently and pulled away. "I'm so sorry," he muttered as he stared at your big eyes.
"Why?" You wondered. "Harry, what is going on?" You asked him, worry filling your gut.
He stared at you with sad eyes before he responded, "Tom and I made a bet a few months back,"
You nodded at him signaling him to continue.
"He bet that I couldn't get a person of his choosing to fall in love with me," he told you.
You furrowed your brows at him, "that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, you can't just walk up to someone and get them to fall in love with you," you told him, but the more you thought about it, the more confused you grew.
Harry had walked up to you that night you met him, and again when he offered to get you home, and to get your number. Harry had quite literally walked up to you and made you fall in love with him time and time again. "Why are you telling me this?" You wondered as you slipped from his lap and sat down beside him.
He ignored your question before continuing, "I called it off, the bet," he explained. "Because I knew, you know, I knew, and I didn't want to get too far in, and I didn't want anyone to get hurt," he told you.
"Why are you telling me this?" You asked again with tears building up in your eyes. He wasn't talking about you, he couldn't be.
He let out a long sigh before he looked at you with tear filled eyes. "Because the person Tom bet I couldn't make fall in love with me," he looked away before he mutter his next words, "was you,"
All at once you felt your whole world crumble. For a second time. "So what, I was just some game?" You demanded.
Harry shook his head frantically as he tried to grab your hand but you pulled it away from him too fast. "At first, ok. At first it was all strategic, but that morning I picked you up the first time we came here, everything changed for me, ok, I never planned to bring anyone here, but I just knew," he rushed out.
"Knew what Harry?!" You groaned as you pulled your legs up to your chest. You would not cry over this, you refused to let another person break you, even if this one somehow felt worse than the last.
"I knew I was falling in love with you," he said quietly.
Your head shot up from where you had buried it in your knees as you stared at him with your mouth wide open.
"What did you just say?" You demanded.
"I love you y/n, I swear, I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted you to find out," he groaned.
"So you were just, what? Going to hope that I never figured it out, then maybe when we were old and grey then tell me?" You shouted, "I trusted you. I let you in. I told you how much I didn't want to be played again, and you what, just disregarded that for some childish bet with your older brother?" You exclaimed.
You pushed yourself up to your feet and stared at him. "What did you get out of it?" You demanded.
Harry shook his head in confusion.
"The Bet," you clarified, "what would you get out of winning?"
He looked and you while his face blanched, before saying, "bragging rights,"
You felt your whole body radiate with anger. Bragging rights? Fucking bragging rights? How foolish were you to fall for him, and it was your own fault, Mal had warned you, other girls you shared classes with had warned you getting close to Harry Holland was not going to end well. And boy were they right.
"I hope you enjoy your bragging rights," you spit out before you turned and took off on foot back towards the school. You would yell at yourself later, but for now, hitching a ride seemed like the best option because there was no way you were getting in the car with Harry after all of that.
Harry stared after you, knowing that if he went after you he would just screw things up more. He had to give you your space, as much as it would kill him. He mulled over your words and his own actions and how terrible this had all been. Then it clicked. 'i hope you enjoy your bragging rights'
You loved him?
Probably not anymore, but Harry wouldn't stop. He would give you a few days, and then he was going to do everything in his power to prove to you that none of it was a game, he saw you at the end of the line, and there was no way he would let you go this easily.
Harry gave you five days, figuring that should be enough. Nothing ever came of the threats of the video so things had calmed down, and Harry was ready to go win you back. Which is why he was standing at your apartment door, knocking.
"Give me a freaking minute," he heard Mal groan before the door swing open. "Go away," she said without even a second thought.
"I need to talk to y/n," Harry explained.
"Yeah? Do you?" She seethed as she stepped forward getting into Harry's face and pointing a finger at him, "we'll get in line, because that stunt you pulled," she shook her head before backing up and grabbing onto the door. When she looked up to meet Harry's eyes, her own were filled with unshed tears. "She's gone Harry," and with another glance she slammed the door.
Like he was never getting you back, or you had packed up and left?
He pulled out his phone and dialed your number, which hit him with the out of service noise, staring at his phone for a minute he was dumbfounded. Gone? No. No way.
He raised his knuckles on the door again, knowing anything that he could do at this point was out of sheer desperation.
"Go away Harry," Mal called through the door without opening it.
"Gone where Mal?" He yelled.
The door swung open again to reveal a pissed off Mal, "she left Harry, she packed her bags and left. I found out from a note that said, 'going to my happy place, thanks for everything,' " Mal explained. She shook her head before taking a deep breath, "look Harry, you fucked up, and you knew she was damaged, so now she's gone, and you need to accept that," she placed her hand on Harry's shoulder giving him a sad smile before turning and going back into the apartment, leaving Harry in the hallway like a lost puppy.
On his way back to his house he thought long and hard, trying to remember anything about a happy place. Maybe if he could just figure out where you were he could come to you and things could be fixed, maybe, just maybe, you would forgive him.
But after weeks of trying to find you, and calling your out of service number, Harry began to give up, swearing, never again would he fall in love.
It had been months.
Months you had spent alone in Scotland. Honestly, you were trying to escape your mind, but it kept sneaking in even when you didn't want it to.
You saw him everywhere.
In the old couple in the park.
In the rugby matches on the telly.
Everywhere you went, you found something that made you think of him, and it made your heart ache.
He had hurt you. Badly. But at the same time, he had come clean, he had been honest knowing it was going to jeopardize what the two of you had built.
He took a risk with his honesty, could you really be all that mad at him?
You stared down at the number on your screen hoping that you weren't insane for doing so, but you had to know.
You pressed the call button and brought the phone to your ear as it rang out. "This is Osterfield," he answered.
"Haz," you sighed, thankful to hear a familiar voice, "it's y/n," you said quietly.
"Holy shit," he breathed out. "You want me to go get Harry?" He Wondered.
"No, no," you told him, "I just, I need to know how he's doing," you explained.
There was a long silence followed by a sigh, "I mean he's not good, he spends most of his time away, I think at the place you guys always went, he hasn't been to practice, I don't think he's actually attending his classes. He's a wreck, he's going through his first heartbreak, and it sucks," Harrison explained.
"Does he hate me?" You asked with a broken voice.
"God no, he's hoping one of these days you'll show back up, forgive him for hurting you, and then probably agree to marry him or some shit," Harrison laughed. "He loves you, like genuinely, " he explained.
"I love him too," you admitted through tears.
"Then come back," he urged, a hopeful tone in his voice.
"I don't want to just be a game," you explained.
"It's not like that y/n, I don't think for him it ever was," he told you sincerely. Just then there was a noise on the other line.
"Did you just say Y/n?" You heard Harry ask.
"Shit," Harrison gritted out, "look I got to go, but I mean it ok, come-" the call cut off and you took the phone from your ear staring down at it.
Were you willing to forgive him? You shook your head as you answered yourself out loud. "You already have you idiot,"
The decision to get on the plane was probably the easiest you had ever made, getting off of it was another story. You knew that once you got through baggage claim Harrison would be waiting to take you back to Mal's where you would apologize profusely for leaving her with no warning, before heading over to try and talk to Harry.
As soon as you had your bags secured you walked out to find Harrison leaning against his car with a smirk.
"The ginger couldn't keep you away," he teased as he helped you with your bags. "He really must have some magic dick huh?" He asked you.
You rolled your eyes at that, knowing Harrison was only joking. "As soon as I find out I'll let you know," you quipped back.
"Wait," he said as you climbed into the car, shutting your door.
He rounded the car and climbed in before turning to you. "You guys never sealed the deal?" He wondered.
You shook your head, "there were a few times I thought we might, but he was always quick to stop it," you explained.
Harrison nodded, "fuck he does really love you," was all he said before peeling out of the parking lot and heading towards your old apartment.
You knew that Mal was upset with you for leaving, there was no question about that. But what you didn't expect was for her to smother your face in kisses as soon as she opened the door leaving poor Harrison to bring in all your bags.
"Alright ladies, I'll see you both tonight," Harrison announced before he left the two of you alone to talk.
"Your back?" Mal asked as soon as Harrison was out of sight.
You looked up at her big brown eyes and laughed, "I might have overreacted," you admitted.
She scoffed before shaking her head. "You did no such thing,"
You shrugged, "but he never tried to take advantage of me Mal, even when I was throwing myself at him, sure he was in on the stupid bet, but he never hurt me, not like he could have," you told her.
She stared at you for a few seconds before groaning. "You're going to forgive him?" She asked.
"I already did," you admitted, before she pulled you into her arms.
"Those Holland boys will be the death of us you know," she chuckled, squeezing you tighter.
You stared at the living frat house from the passenger seat of Mal's car. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" You wondered.
"Ha! Really?" She demanded, "that boy has been moping around since the second you left, he will probably cry when he sees you," she told you with a wink.
You nodded, before taking a deep breath and getting out of the car. It was now or never.
The frat house was always loud, so when the two of you stepped through the door the noise didn't strike you as odd as it had the first time.
Just like you expected the boys were in their area laughing and talking, all except the one you wanted to talk to.
Harrison saw you and hopped up, making his way towards you, "I'm sorry y/n I couldn't get him to stay, and you said you didn't want me to tell him, he left about 15 minutes ago," he explained.
Mal shot you a sad smile, "sorry girl," she muttered.
"Oh great she's back," you heard a feminine voice scoff from behind you.
You looked back to find a tall thin blonde girl standing a few feet away from you with a scowl on her face as she stared at you . "Excuse me?" You asked, thoroughly confused.
"It's just kind of desperate you know," she snorted, "he was only with you for a bet, but here you are running back to him," you watched as she rolled her eyes and the possy of girls with her chuckled.
You had never seen this girl in your life, and you were quite certain you had never done anything to her, but here she was talking down on you like you were nobody. "Let's be grateful girls," she snickered as she looked around at her girl pack before turning back to look at you, "at least we aren't desperate whores," she said with a scowl.
You were taken aback by what you had just heard. Whore? Desperate? Who the hell was this girl?
"Do I know you?" You asked her.
She chuckled, "no, but I know you, the girl Harry used for a bet, I bet he won it too, you probably fell right into his lap and gave everything you had to give, all for what? To find out you were just a pawn in his game? And yet here you are, running back to him like a pathetic lost little puppy dog," as she spoke the words she sauntered forward until she was standing face to face with you with a scowl on her face.
You hated confrontation. So much so that you would do anything to avoid it. But as you looked at this girl, who was looking down on you, something just snapped. You didn't even realize what you were doing until she recoiled back grasping at her bleeding nose.
"You bitch!" She seethed as she hurled herself forward, to her dismay you were pulled right out of her path and she fell to the floor where you had been standing.
"That's enough Olivia," Sam's voice boomed from where he was holding your body against his own.
"She hit me," the girl, Olivia, cried from the floor.
"You deserved it," Harrison told her from beside you. "Look, I get it, you're bitter about Harry not wanting to be with you, but that doesn't mean you get to be a raging bitch to her. You really think that's going to make Harry want you?" He demanded.
You shook your head, trying to think of what to do, you already knew where Harry had gone, so why stay and deal with this.?
"Can I borrow your car?" you asked Mal who was busy watching the scene play out in front of her.
"What? Why?" She wondered as she turned to you.
"Cause I know where he went, and let's be honest the only place you're going tonight is up to Tom's room," you chuckled with a wink.
Her face reddened as she pulled out her keys handing them to you, "you're the worst you know," she sighed.
"Love you to cuz," you kissed her cheek before sprinting out of the house and down the drive to her car, leaving Harrison and Sam to clean up your mess.
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Just wanna be with you
Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: pure fluff, implied smut, LOL wait its rlly bad LMAOOOO and the format is kind of messed up on mobile so lmk and i’ll fix it
song: Just wanna be with you
EDIT: I haven't written in so long omg. I hope you guys like this and please send me asks and request more stuff for me to write. Suddenly getting a surge of inspiration!
I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you
You and Tom were the couple everyone wanted to be. Who can blame them, you guys were hopelessly in love. However, the time apart from each other constantly killed you two, with Tom travelling the world it got a little lonely. At times like these, you couldn’t help but dream of your future together. What it would be like to get married, your perfect wedding. You always adored times like these.
You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are It'll be alright Even if we're miles apart
Much to your surprise, Tom felt the same way. Of course, he wanted to marry you. You’re everything he ever wanted. “Harrison, I'm telling you it has to as perfect as her. All these rings are so simple, none of them scream her name” Tom said to Harrison while searching for rings at their local jewellery store. He wanted nothing more than to marry you, and when he proposed hopefully you would say yes.
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know its true I just wanna be with you
After an unsuccessful day of searching for engagement rings Tom decided to return home to his beloved girlfriend, luckily you were waiting for him too. You were seated in the bathtub trying to take your mind of your boyfriends' absence, soon interrupted by a familiar voice. “ Y/n darling, I'm home” Tom’s voice echoed through their shared apartment.
You know how life can be It changes over night It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you Always makes it easy I know that your kidding me every time
Y/n quickly sprinted out of the bathtub not caring if she had clothes on or not. Tom was finally home after a week away and she couldn't care less about how she looked. She made her way down the stairs and much to Toms liking she was naked. She brought him into a deep passionate kiss and Tom couldn't help but slide his tongue along her lower lip asking for permission to take control of the kiss which she happily granted. “ Well if I knew you were going to greet me like this every time I went away I would be gone way often,” he chuckled slowly breaking the kiss looking you up and down. “How about I show you how much I've missed you “ you replied with a smirk on your face
Through every up through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me
The two of you were tangled between each other. Tom loved moments like these. He loved the way your body tended to end up on his side of the bed because you loved the way the pillow smelt of his cologne. He loved how peacefully you slept when you were with him. He loved you, at times like these he wanted to marry you right then and there. He reached to his side eyeing this one ring he saw online that he has been loving recently and just imagined it around your fingers. He knew it was the one. He quickly took a screenshot after ordering it and arranged Harrison to pick it up for him first thing in the morning. He was ready to marry you and did not want to wait any longer.
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you
You wake up with the sun shining in your face and to a cold empty spot beside you. You wanted to sleep and cuddle with Tom all day however clearly he had different plans. You walk down the steps hearing tom speak with Harrison about something that clearly seems important since Tom looks like he’s freaking out. “Hey Harrison, and Tom what’s wrong” you said softly while embracing Tom in a hug. “I think that is my cue to leave, let me know what she says mate. Bye Y/n” Harrison chuckles as he leave your guys shared apartment. Toms cheeks started to turn red from blushing and you were quick to ask him what Harrison meant. “Y/n listen, I kind of did this on impulse because I wanted to make it more special however i was thinking last night and I really do love you and I was thinking of other ways I can show you and well...” he quickly dropped to one knee and pulled out a sparkly diamond ring. “Will you marry me-” before Tom could even finish you interrupted him “Yes yes yes I will!” you shouted as you were tearing up and Tom quickly pulled you into a hug and a loving kiss. “I just wanna be with you darling” he whispered in your ear before he swooped you up and brought you to the bedroom to celebrate.
I just wanna be with you
#tom holland#tom holland fic#tom holland smut#tom holland x reader#tom holland headcanon#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland blurb#college!peter parker#college!tom#frat boy!tom#mob!tom#peter parker#peter parker x avenger! reader#peter parker fluff
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Wicked Game ~ T.H
pairing: frat! Tom Holland x Reader
chapter four: trouble, trouble trouble
series masterlist
After spending the weekend in your dorm, Tom finally came back to the frat house. He strolled in late Sunday afternoon and found a kitchen full of his brothers.
“Dude, where have you been all weekend?” Harrison asked. “You missed an insane party. And then you missed a really lame party. But that was only because Harry was hosting.”
“Screw me for thinking a murder mystery party would be fun.” Harry mumbled.
“Sorry guys. I was with Y/n.” Tom shrugged and tried to leave the kitchen. Trent hopped off the counter he was sitting on and blocked Tom from leaving the kitchen.
“You were with Shark Week all weekend?” Trent asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Don’t call her that.” Tom said sternly.
“How is she?” Trent smirked. “Can she still walk?”
“Shut up.” Tom rolled his eyes. “Yes, she can still walk. Now get out of my way.”
“Wow. He was there whole weekend, guys. Talk about a British Invasion.” Trent said loud enough for the rest of the boys to hear. Tom narrowed his eyes at Trent and sensed that he was up to something.
“Shut up, dude. We didn’t even hook up this weekend, so shut your mouth.”
“You were there all weekend and didn’t hook up?” Trent covered his mouth with his fist as he laughed at Tom’s expense. Tom shook his head and Trent looked around as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“What is wrong with you, T bag?” Trent laughed again. “I mean, you spend a whole weekend at a girls dorm and don’t hit it? Have we taught you nothing?”
“Maybe I didn’t go there to hook up with her. Maybe I just wanted to spend time with her. Because while you were busy getting alcohol poisoning in this hell hole all weekend, I was with a beautiful, funny, and brilliant girl.” Tom said as he pushed Trent back a little. Trent’s eyes darkened as he took a step towards Tom.
“Oh I see.” Trent laughed a little. “She’s a virgin, isn’t she? And she’s too scared to give herself away to the big bad frat boy. Harrison really picked a good one for you, didn’t he T-bag? You really lucked out by getting a virgin as the girl you have to make fall in love with you.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?“ Tom narrowed his eyes at Trent.
“I’m saying it’s a good thing, dude.” Trent raised his hands in defense. “If she’s a virgin, that means none of us have ever been with her. Or any guy for that matter. And think about it. What would you rather drive? A brand new Mercedes or a an old station wagon that had a couple thousand miles on it?”
Tom got quite as he thought about what Trent was saying. You hadn’t gone farther than making out with Tom, and while that didn’t bother him, it made him wonder if there was any truth to what Trent was saying.
“Dude, you are so going to win this bet. I’d be mad but I’m too impressed.” Harry chimed in to ease the tension. Tom let out an unamused sigh as Trent pushed him back into the kitchen.
“Come on, T bag. We wanna hear about how you won the bet.” Trent smiled smugly as he slung an arm around Tom.
“Guys, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this. I want out of the bet.” Tom said as he pushed Trent’s arm off of him.
“What? Why? You’re literally winning.” Brad pointed out and the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.
“That’s the point.” Tom said. “Girls aren’t things that we “win.” They’re people. With feelings. This whole bet was fucked up from the beginning.”
“What?” Sam laughed. “You agreed to do it.”
“I know. But now I want out. We can’t keep treating girls like this, guys. We’re all a bunch of misogynistic assholes.”
“Excuse you, I have never massaged anyone.” Harry scoffed.
“What are you talking about? We treat girls just fine.” Harrison asked. Unlike the other boys, he was actually interested in hearing what Tom had to say.
“No, we don’t.” Tom shook his head. “We’re fucking these girls up. Do you know that on the night we met, Y/n asked if it was okay that we didn’t have sex? And she was relieved when I said we didn’t have to if she didn’t want to. She even apologized to me.”
“So?” Brad shrugged.
“So?” Tom’s eyes widened. “Dude, that means she didn’t think she was allowed to make the decision about if we would have sex or not. She thought she needed my permission to say no. Can you imagine the reactions from guys she must’ve gotten in the past for her to think that? And who did you think those guys were? Assholes like us who makes girls think they owe us something. We have to do better.”
“You’re acting crazy, bro. Did Shark Week fill your head with this crazy feminist bull crap?” Trent asked with a smug expression. Some of the other boys laughed and clapped Trent on the back in approval.
“This is what I mean. Do you even hear yourselves?” Tom looked around the room. “We’ve been treating girls like garbage ever since we joined this frat. I used to be nice. I was a gentleman. Now I’m an asshole who bets on girls feelings.”
Harrison looked down at the floor as he thought about his past actions. He thought about the way he treated Peyton in the past and felt guilt bubble up in his stomach. Sam and Harry exchanged a look, both thinking about the way they’ve been treating girls and not liking what they remembered.
“What did Shark Week do to you this weekend?” Trent laughed. “Force you to listen to her teach a 101 course in woman’s rights?”
“She probably put a hex on him.” Brad chimed in and moved his fingers like he was casting a spell. As Tom watched his frat brothers laugh at your expense, he felt anger rise inside him. He shoved Trent against the wall and grabbed him by the shirt.
“Stop calling her Shark Week. Her name is Y/n. If I ever hear you talking shit about my girl again, I’ll kill you.” Tom threatened as Sam and Harry pulled him off of Trent. Trent raised his fist to punch Tom, but Brad held him back. Harrison just sat in the middle and watched.
“Screw you, man.” Trent spat. “You never lay a hand on a brother. That’s like the most important house rule.”
Tom stayed silent as he stared daggers at Trent. He wanted to fight him for what he said about you, but his brothers were holding him back. Trent looked at the expression on Tom’s face and smirked a little.
“You know what I think this is about? I think you really fell for her and now you’re scared.” Trent said as he pointed to Tom.
“I’m not scared.” Tom scoffed.
“Yes you are.” Trent insisted. “You’ve never had a real girlfriend. You use girls and discard them when you’re done, just like the rest of us. But now, you love Y/n and you’re scared that she will never love you back. And if she doesn’t, not only will you lose the bet, you’ll be humiliated.”
“Fuck the bet.” Tom shouted. “I’m not doing that anymore. And none of you should do it either.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re scared you won’t win.” Brad spoke up. The boys on his side of the room nodded in agreement while the boys on Tom’s side stayed silent. Tom looked around the room at all his frat brothers as an idea formed in his head. If he won the bet, he could make some changed around the frat house. People would have to listen to him because he’d be the president. If someone else won, things would stay the way they were and people like you would continue to get hurt. Tom didn’t want to, but he knew what he had to do.
“Fine. I’ll do the bet.” Tom decided. “And when I win, I’m gonna ban all the barbaric bullshit we do around here. No more swords on walls or only letting certain people into our parties. And no more barking like the dogs you are when a girl stays over. It’s humiliating. And not just for the girl.”
Harry and Sam exchanged a look and their eyes slowly fell to the ground in shame. They knew Tom was right, but they didn’t have the courage to speak up against Trent and agree. Harrison was busy thinking of all the times he kicked Peyton out after hooking up, sometimes before she could get her shoes back on.
“You’ve changed, man. You spend a weekend with Shark Week and suddenly, you get your period too.” Trent said with a smirk as he took a step towards Tom. Tom stepped forward as fell with a clenched fist and a locked jaw.
“Back off, man. We all need to cool down.” Harry said as he stepped between his brother and Trent.
“Fine. But when I win, the first thing I’m gonna do is ban your pansy ass from the frat.” Trent said before leaving the kitchen. Tom smacked his hand on the counter top before leaving as well. The rest of the boys slowly dispersed, leaving Harrison, Sam, and Harry alone. They all looked at each other before going to their rooms.
Back in your dorm, you were helping Peyton unpack after her weekend at home.
“So how was it?” Peyton asked. “Give me all the details.”
“Tom came over and we just hung out all weekend.” You smiled as you hung up one of her shirts.
“Doing what, though?” She asked with a coy smile.
“Stop it.” You laughed. “We just watched movies and went for walks. It was really nice, actually. He’s a really good listener. And he’s funny.”
Peyton could see the smile on your face and knew how far you’d fallen. She smiled to herself and put the rest of her clothes away.
“Look at us. Who would I’ve thought we’d both be hooking up with frat guys?” She said as she sat on her bed.
“Actually, Tom and I haven’t hooked up yet.” You told her and sat on your bed that faced opposite of hers.
“Wait what? But you went to his room that night the party.”
“We just made out.”
“What about this weekend? You didn’t hook up at all?”
“Nope.” You shrugged, making Peyton’s jaw drop.
“Girl. He is whipped for you.” She said as she clapped her hands in excitement.
“No he’s not.” You playfully rolled your eyes.
“Yes he is. He is totally into you. No guy does all this for a girl with unless he genuinely likes her. If you’re not hooking up and he still spent the whole weekend here, he obviously likes spending time with you.”
“I don’t know.” You sighed. “What if he just hangs out with me in hopes I’ll sleep with him?”
“No way. He’s in the top frat on campus. If he wanted action, he could easily go out and get some. But clearly he wants more. And he wants it with you.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. So why aren’t you hopping on that dick?” Peyton asked as she folded her arms.
“I don’t know. I’m worried that once I sleep with him…” You trailed off and looked at the ground
“He’ll never speak to you again.” Peyton nodded in understanding.
“It’s happened before.” You said quietly, eyes still on the floor. Peyton got off her bed and started beside you so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders.
“I know it’s happened before. And that guy was a jackass. I think that Tom is also a jackass, but I think he’s a jackass who really likes you.” She said, making you laugh.
“I hope so. Because I really like him.” You sighed happily. A smile tugged at your lips all the sudden and Peyton frowned.
“What?” She asked. “What are you not telling me?”
“He asked me to go steady with him.” You told her with a huge smile.
“Ahh!” She screamed. “I have absolutely no idea what that means!”
“It basically means he’s my boyfriend and we’re exclusive. Its kinda outdated but he knows I like that stuff.”
“Wow. You got the title and exclusivity? I can’t even get Harrison to put my name in his phone as my name.”
“No.” You gasped. “You’re still Little Caesar’s pizza?”
“Yup.” Peyton nodded as her phone buzzed. “That’s him now. He and Tom want to come over.”
“I don’t know. It’s a Sunday. I have class in the morning.” You said as you checked your watch.
“Every time I’m reminded that you wear a watch but refuse to wear a shirt that shoes off your belly button, I want to beat you up.”
“So you’ve said.” You laughed. “I guess we can go out for a little bit. It’s only been a few hours but I miss him already.”
“Wow. You must really like him because I need a 24 hour refractory period before I can see Harrison again.” Peyton said as she grabbed her bag.
“Again, so you’ve said.”
A short while later, you were walking around campus with Tom, Peyton and Harrison. You and Tom were holding hands as you strolled along with Peyton and Harrison in front of you.
“Can I ask you something?” Harrison asked when he noticed Tom holding your hand.
“Sure.” Peyton replied.
“Do you think I’m an asshole?“
“Sometimes, yeah.” Peyton nodded. “Most times, actually. Why?”
“I don’t know.” Harrison sighed. “Tom was saying all this stuff before about the shitty way we treat females. It got in my head.”
“You’re just now realizing how shitty you treat women?” Peyton snorted.
“Yeah. I didn’t realize how bad it was. Tom was saying we treat the females on campus like garbage. Do you think that too?” Harrison asked and nervously waited for Peyton’s answer.
“Look Haz, every girl on this campus has a frat guy horror story. Or just a boy horror story in general. Some worse then others. I like you and all but some of your brothers are sociopaths.” Peyton shrugged like this was common knowledge. To the rest of the campus, it was. But to Harrison, his mind was blown.
“What about me? Are there things I do that hurt you?” Harrison wondered.
“Yeah. When you fall asleep right after we hook up, it hurts. Or when you can’t even hold a conversation with me before trying to get in my pants. I like you, Harrison. And sometimes I wish we could hang out without hooking up. But you make me feel like I’m only worth your time when I’m taking my clothes off.” Peyton replied. She didn’t sound mad, because she wasn’t. These were things that she had grown accustomed to. They didn’t bother her anymore. Harrison, on the other hand, was deeply bothered.
“I don’t-“
“And you ignore me on campus.” Peyton continued as she remembered more. “Then text me at night to come over. That hurts.”
“I’m sorry about-“
“You know what else I just remembered?” Peyton went on. “You won’t hold my hand in public but you will smack my ass in public, which makes me feel like shit. And you don’t defend me when your frat brothers say things about me. Like whenever Harry calls me a stripper. Or when your frat brothers bark at me when they see me around the house and call me a “piece of ass”. Your frat brothers will congratulate you for having sex with me right in front of me, as if I’m not even there. That kinda stuff really sucks.”
“Damn. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, actually. That all sounds horrible. Is that all?”
“I hate when you refer to me as a “female”. Or refer to women as “females” in general.” Peyton told him.
“What’s wrong with that? That’s what you are.”
“No. I’m a woman.” Peyton corrected. “Female is an adjective. That’s why you say a female pig or a female cow. You don’t say a woman cow. And when you call me or other girls “females”, I feel like you’re equating me to an animal.”
Harrison got really quiet and stopped walking. When Peyton looked at him, he was sheet white and had a terrified look on his face.
“What?” She asked him.
“I think I’m a terrible person.” Harrison admitted.
“You weren’t always.” Peyton shrugged. “You’ve just been different ever since you joined that frat. When we were friends freshman year, you were really cool. I even liked you. Then you joined that frat our hang outs became hook ups. I kinda stopped recognizing you after a while.”
“Then why do you still come over when I ask you to? Why bother with me at all?” Harrison asked her.
“Like I said.” Peyton smiled sadly. “We used to be friends. I’m hoping that guy comes back one day.”
“Yeah.” Harrison sighed. “Me too.”
Meanwhile, you and Tom were trying to trip each other as you walked down the sidewalk. Tom laughed and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing his hands up and down to warm you up. You smiled and leaned in to him and he kissed the side of your head.
“I’m so glad you could come out, darling. My frat brothers were driving me crazy.” He sighed.
“Why? What happened?” You asked. Your tone was still playful, and Tom immediately felt guilty for bringing it up. He couldn’t tell you what happened since the fight was about you and the bet. Every time he didn’t tell you about the bet, he had to lie even more.
“Nothing. They’re just idiots. All of them. I’d much rather be with you.” Tom decided to keep you in the dark as he smiled at you.
“I’d rather be with you too.” You returned the smile and rested stout head against his arm. Tom made eye contact with Harrison and they both quickly looked away.
“Can I sleep over tonight?” Tom asked you. “I don’t really want to go home.”
“I don’t know. It’s a Sunday. I have an 8 am tomorrow.”
“Please? I’ll be good. You won’t even know I’m there.”
Before you could answer, Peyton and Harrison came over to you. You noticed she had Harrison’s jacket around her shoulders and smiled a little.
“Hey. I’m gonna head back to Shawshank with Harrison.” She told you.
“Okay. Don’t get pregnant.” You said and pulled her into a hug.
“I won’t if you don’t.” She replied as she hugged you back. She waved goodbye to you and you watched as Harrison took her by the hand and said something to make her laugh.
“All right, you can stay over.” You decided. “But I’m gonna wake you up early with my alarm.”
“A small price to pay to spend the night by your side.” Tom smirked as he lead you back to your dorm. You put your pajamas on know you got back and Tom waited on your bed while you did your skincare routine in the bathroom. When you came back, he smiled at your makeup free face.
“It’s late. I should to go to sleep.” You sighed when you checked your watch.
“Late? It’s 10 pm, nerd.” He chuckled and pulled you into his lap.
“You’re the nerd.” You replied and knocked him down onto your bed.
“Okay. Sure. Says the one who goes to class.” He teased as he wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer.
“Shut up.” You laughed. “You’re supposed to go to class. That’s what college is for.”
“Whatever you say.” Tom playfully rolled his eyes. “Is it still okay if I stay the night?”
“Yeah. I’ve kinda gotten used to your body heat now.”
“You kinda need it since it’s freezing in this dorm. Is your radiator not on?” Tom asked as he looked around.
“There is no radiator.”
“Really? The frat house has central heating.”
“Must be nice.” You laughed and pulled your comforter over the both of you. Tom adjusted his head on your pillow and when he looked at you again, you seemed lost in thought.
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked you.
“Do you hook up with other girls?” You asked without meeting his eyes.
“No. Do you?” He replied, making you laugh.
“No. I was just wondering.”
“Why were you wondering about that, love?”
“I don’t know. Because I don’t hook up with you.” You said as you slowly looked into his eyes. Tom was about to give a serious answer, but could tell you were upset. He decided to make you laugh instead.
“I don’t know about that. We’ve done some pretty intense fondling. Think I even grazed a boob or two.”
He could feel your body shake as you laughed and snuggled closer to his chest.
“I know. I’m just saying. I know this isn’t the lifestyle you’re used to. I’m sure you have things you’d be rather be doing on a Sunday night. Things that don’t involve going to bed at 10 pm.”
“For someone as smart as you are, you couldn’t be more wrong. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing right now.” He said as he absentmindedly played with your hair. You gave him a soft smile before taking his free hand and kissing the back of it.
“Me either. You know, I never imagined myself with someone like you.”
“Someone like me?”
“A frat boy. And don’t give me that look because I guarantee you never imagined dating someone like me either.” You said pointedly. Tom loved how even in the dark, you knew exactly what look he was giving you.
“Someone like you?“
“You know. A nerd.”
“Excuse you. “Nerd” is just an endearing nickname I call my super hot genius girlfriend.” Tom replied, making you smile.
“Still. We’re kinda an odd couple. I’m not like the fun, shiny girls you’re probably used to. I’m not an ingénue. What do your frat brothers think about me?”
Tom went quiet at your unexpected question. He hated himself every time he lied to you, and that seemed to be getting more frequent.
“Who cares what they think? They’re idiots. Every single one of them.” He said instead of telling you the truth. He could see your lips curve into a smile in the dim lighting of the room and felt his guilt come back. He was making you happy, but in a way that would hurt you in the end.
“I’m glad you slept over tonight.” You said and rubbed your nose against his.
“Me too, darling.” He grinned at your touch.
“And I hope you don’t think I don’t want to hook up with you. I do. I guess I’m just nervous.” You laughed shyly as you played with the hem of his shirt.
“Nervous about what?” He wondered. You got quiet and rolled onto your back, turning your face to the side so he could no longer see you.
“That once I sleep with you, you’ll never speak to me again.” You said in a quiet voice.
“What? That’s crazy. Why would you think that?”
“Your frat brothers are kinda notorious for that. And it’s happened to me in the past with this other guy.” You admitted. Toms eyes softened at this information. You had never told him this before now and he could tell it was something that still hurt you. He tilted your face back towards his and gave you a smile.
“You don’t have to worry that, darling. I’m not like that guy.“ He promised.
“I know you’re not. That guy was in my chemistry class freshman year. He wore a pocket watch and spectacles. Not glasses, spectacles. He was an even bigger nerd than I was. He was supposed to be safe.” You laughed, and Tom could hear the sadness it in.
“I see. And you think a guy like me isn’t safe?”
“You’re starting to change my mind.” You smiled coyly. “I’m just scared, you know? I didn’t even like that last guy that much and yet it still hurts when I think about what he did to me. You, on the other hand, I’ve grown quite fond of.”
Without explicitly saying it, he knew what you meant: if a guy you barely liked left a couple scars, Tom breaking your heart would obliterate you. He almost blurted out the truth right there before he let it go any further, but he stopped himself. You were too happy in this moment for him to ruin it.
“Good. Because you’ve changed my mind too. I used to specifically say I would never date a goth nerd witch, but here I am.” Tom blew out a breath of exasperation, making you laugh loudly. Tom sighed in relief now that he had cheered you up, but still felt the guilt in his stomach.
“I’m serious, darling. I’ve never liked anyone this much. You’ve got your hooks in me. I would never break your heart.” He said softly as he stared at you in the dim lighting.
“Good.” You smiled. “You better not.”
Tom smiled back but felt his guilt grow. There was no way this would end without you getting your heart broken, and he was reminded of that with every word you said to him. You noticed Tom’s solemn expression and frowned a little.
“Promise you’re not gonna break my heart?“ You asked him skeptically. Tom faked a smile and quickly nodded.
“I promise.”
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#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland x y/n#frat!tom holland x nerd!reader#frat!tom#frat!tom holland x nerdy!reader#frat boy!tom holland x reader#tom holland fluff#tom holland fanfiction
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Wicked Game ~ T.H
pairing: frat! Tom Holland x Reader
chapter three: slow and steady
series masterlist
Tom saw you that Monday for your date, and again on Tuesday for early morning coffee. When you didn’t answer his texts the following Wednesday and Thursday, he called you. You were walking to class when you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket.
“Tom?” You laughed in surprise when you picked up the phone.
“Hi. Is it okay that I’m calling?”
“Yeah, of course. I just wasn’t expecting it. A boy hasn’t called me since like 6th grade. You know, back when that was still a normal thing to do.” You teased him.
“I know. I just wanted to hear your voice. I haven’t heard from you in a few days.” He replied and you could hear his smile through the phone.
“I know. I’m sorry. I had a lot of work to do this week. And I’m terrible at replying.”
“You know what I do when I have a lot of work?”
“What’s that?” You laughed, having a feeling you knew his answer.
“I don’t do it.” He replied, making you laugh even more.
“I don’t think I’ve ever gone to school without my homework done.” You told him as you played with the straps of your backpack.
“I don’t think I’ve ever gone to school with my homework done. Do you know any hot tutors who’d be willing to help me out?” He flirted through the phone.
“I don’t know.” You smiled coyly. “What’s your major again?”
Tom went silent on the other line and you stopped walking.
“Tom? What’s your major?“ You asked again.
“I have no idea.” He admitted. “Sports management I think?”
This time, you were the one who went silent. You slapped a hand over your mouth to try and muffle your laughter.
“Darling? You still there?”
“Sport’s management?” You asked. “What even is that?”
“I don’t know.” He playfully whined. “I just picked it because it had sports in the title.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed. “That’s so bad. That’s even worse than I thought.”
“All right, genius.” He teased. “What’s your major?”
“Biomedical engineering with a minor in women’s, gender and sexuality studies.”
“Wow. I knew like three of those words. Tops.”
“It’s exactly what it sounds like.” You explained. “It’s the combination of biology and engineering. I want to help improve medical equipment to advance healthcare treatment across the world.”
“Wow. I think all I could do with my degree is become a football coach.” Tom replied, making you laugh again. He grinned on the other side of the line, loving the way he could make you laugh.
“Hey, that’s still important.” You told him, making him smile even more.
“You’re so smart.” He sighed. “You’re like the smartest person I ever met.”
“Aw.” You smiled shyly. “Thanks.”
“I wish I was more like you. You have goals and ambitions. You want to help people. All I do is chug beer through my butt.”
“Do you actually do that?” You asked him. “Because you joke about it a lot. I’m starting to get suspicious.”
“I promise I don’t.” He chuckled. “Unless you would date a guy who would. Then I do. All the time. I’m doing in right now in fact.”
“You’re such an idiot.” You laughed, taking notice of the way he implied he wanted to be the kind of guy you’d date.
“Yeah. Hopefully not too much of an idiot to be with a biological-“
“Biomedical.” You corrected with a laugh.
“Right. Biomedical.” He smiled when he heard your laugh. “I hope I I’m not too much of an idiot for a biomedical engineer.”
“I don’t think you are.” You replied. You were outside your class now but you didn’t want to hang up. Tom was working up the courage to ask you to officially be his girlfriend and your last two answers made him feel like you’d say yes. Before he could say anything else, Brad came into his room.
“Dude. Does this look infected to you?” Brad asked as he lifted up his shirt.
“Gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tom said quickly and threw his phone on the bed.
“Who was that?” Brad asked as he lowered his shirt.
“No one. It was just Y/n.”
“Bro.” Brad laughed in surprise. “Shark Week called you? This chick is like scary obsessed.”
“I know right? Who calls people anymore?” Tom forced a laugh as his eyes darted to the side.
“I feel bad for you, bro. You got the worst deal in this bet. Shark Week sounds horrible to deal with. How do you put up with her?” Brad asked as he leaned against Tom’s wall. Tom gulped and looked down at his phone. He really liked you, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit that.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I guess I just do.”
“Damn.” Brad shook his head. “So about my rash.”
Two weeks later
Since you were always busy during the week, Tom picked up the habit of meeting you after class to walk with you around campus. No matter what day it was or what time your classes got out, Tom was always there to walk with you. You thought he’d get bored of this after the first few days, but he was still there to greet you every day after two weeks.
“Damn. He let you out late today.” Tom said as you walked out of your building. He immediately took the books in your hands and carried them as he always did. His old fashioned chivalry was the last thing you expected from a frat boy, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
“It was my fault.” You told him. “We started talking about covalent bonds and I carried away.”
“Oh. Talking about covalent bonds with your professor, huh? Should I be jealous?” Tom teased as he walked beside you.
“Ew.” You laughed. “My professor is like 70. And he smells like moth balls.”
“Good. Because I can’t have him moving in on my girl.” He said and he shot you a wink. You looked down at the ground and turned your face a little so he wouldn’t see the childlike grin that broke out on your face.
“Oh, I’m your girl?” You raised your eyebrows. “But I’m not even wearing your weird little gray hat.”
“It’s blue today.” He playfully rolled his eyes and pointed to his hat. “Wow. I spent all day getting ready to see you and you don’t even notice my hat. That hurts, darling. That really hurts.”
“Well maybe I was busy looking at what’s beneath your hat.” You shrugged, trying your best to flirt back but you were slightly out of your element. Tom let out a loud gasp and looked around for who might be listening.
“My penis?” He whispered loudly and gave you a disapproving look.
“No!” You laughed and shoved him. “Not that far beneath your hat, dummy.”
“Oh, I see.” Tom nodded. “You were talking about my incredibly handsome face, weren’t you?”
“Actually I was talking about your receding hair line. But face is close enough.” You replied with a sweet smile. Tom’s jaw dropped at your insult and he shoved you back.
“Wow.” He laughed. “You are evil, my darling. You look like a daydream but you are a nightmare. This is the last time I walk you to class.”
“I actually wanted to talk to you about that. As much as I love having you walk me to my classes, and I do, don’t you have any classes you should be attending?”
“I don’t really go to class.” Tom shrugged.
“You don’t? Then what do you do all day?”
“Wait for you.” He said like it was obvious. He was the first guy to treat you this way. You thought boys like him, boys who always knew what to say to make you smile, only existed in the movies. Something about him felt too good to be true, and you worried he was exactly that. Even if that was the case, you decided to enjoy it while it lasted.
“Well I appreciate that. Thanks for walking me to class. And for always carrying my books. I’m kinda a sucker for old fashioned gestures.”
“What do you mean by old fashioned?”
“You know. Like what guys used to do in the olden days. Carry a girls books, bring her flowers, open the door for her, ask her to go steady. Things like that.”
“What exactly does it mean to “go steady” with someone?” Tom chuckled. “I’ve always wondered.”
“It means you’re both agreeing to commit to a serious relationship.” You explained. “You’re in it for the long game. You don’t see other people. You don’t play games. You just have a consistent, steady relationship.”
“Good to know.” He smiled. “And just so you know, I’m totally gonna bring you flowers one day. Because now I know that’s the way to your heart. I’m gonna bring you so many flowers that your room gets infested with bees.”
“I love bees.” You smiled.
“I know you do. You told me that on our first date. You said you loved them ever since you were a kid because you went on a field trip to a bee colony and found out that they made honey. And you loved honey. So by association, you loved bees.”
“I forgot I told you that.” You smiled softly. “You’re a good listener.”
“I’m a terrible listener, darling.” He admitted. “I just really like you.”
Your hands had been bumping against each other’s the entire walk and this time, he slipped his hand into yours. You bit back a smile as you walked in comfortable silence towards your next class. When you got there, you felt more disappointed than usual that your time together was ending.
“This is me.” You sighed and looked at the building.
“This is you?” Tom frowned and looked at the building. “And here I was thinking you were this pretty girl. Turns out you’re an old brick building.”
“I honestly think that was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.” You grimaced and took a step closer to him.
“It made you smile though. I consider that a win.” He smiled as he closed the gap even more.
“I wasn’t smiling. I was cringing.” You teased him and he cupped your face in his hands.
“Yeah? Well you still looked pretty doing it.” He said before connecting your lips in a kiss. You smiled against his lips, still not fully believing that this was your reality. A frat boy was the last kind of guy you ever imagined you’d be interested in, but here you were.
“I get out at 3:20.” You told him once you pulled away. “Do you want to hang out after?”
“Will I get to kiss you some more if I say yes?“ He asked as he played with your fingers.
“You might.”
“Then it’s a date.” He grinned and leaned in to kiss you again.
“Great. So I’ll meet you after class and then we can go to your house.” You suggested, making Tom’s smile fall. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about the idea of bringing you around his frat brothers. Any one of them could slip up and tell you about the bet before Tom got a chance to.
“Do you mind if we go to your dorm instead? The frat house is being fumigated.” Tom lied and felt guilty about doing it.
“Again?” Your eye widened. “But sure. Peyton’s home for the weekend anyway. We’d have the place to ourselves.”
“Woah woah, wait. Peyton’s gone all weekend?” He smirked. “You know pretty girl, I hate to think of you in your dorm all alone. What if one of those giant campus rats come to attack you?”
“I’ll be okay. Maybe it’ll be the kind of rat that can cook.”
“What?” Tom frowned. “What kind is that?”
“What? You haven’t seen Ratatouille?”
Tom shook his head and your eyes winded in surprised.
“We’re watching it. It’s settled.”
“But I thought we were gonna watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World to see our favorite manic pixie dream girl.” He reminded you.
“We can watch both. Make a night of it.” You suggested, making Tom’s excitement grow.
“Okay. Sounds good to me, darling.” He smiled and took his hat off his head. He placed it on top of your head and you gave him a confused look.
“There. Just in case anymore professors try and steal you from me.” He teased as he fixed the hat.
“Good call.” You laughed. You waved goodbye to him and started walking towards your class, unable to fight the smile on your face.
When Tom met you outside your class later that day, he noticed you were still wearing his hat. He broke out into a grin at the sight of you in it. It wasn’t much, but it meant you were as invested in this thing as he was.
“You’re still wearing my hat!” He smiled as you walked up to him. He ran the rest of the way and scooped you up in a tight hug to greet you.
“Put me down.” You laughed. “You’re like a hyperactive golden retriever sometimes, I swear.”
“That describes me so well.” He said as he put you down. “You’re so smart. What’s your GPA again?”
“4.4.” You smiled shyly. Tom’s eyes widened and he bent over to process that information. He wrapped an arm around you infe he stood back up and started walking towards your dorm.
“Yo, my girl has a 4.4 GPA.” Tom bragged to a stranger you passed on the sidewalk.
“Stop it. It’s not that big of a deal.” You laughed shyly as he continued to tell more people you walked by.
“It’s a huge deal. Oh my God. You’re incredible, darling. My GPA is probably like a 1.8.”
“Because you don’t go to class.” You reminded him. “Or do homework.”
“Because that stuff is boring.” He whined.
“Then why did you come to college?”
“For the parties. Duh.” Tom smirked at you and pulled you closer. “Now come on. I wanna see this rat who can cook.”
You intertwined your fingers with the hand he had around your shoulders and led him to your dorm. Tom had been living in the frat house since he was a freshman, so he hadn’t been inside the dorms before. He looked around as if he was in a museum as you led him through the halls. You were both very aware of the many stares you got as you walked down the hallway. Seeing you with a frat boy was the last thing anyone in your dorm expected.
“So what’s first on the agenda? Rata booyah?” Tom asked as he sat on your bed.
“It’s Ratatouille.” You laughed. “And we can start that now if you want.”
“If I want? That sounds like there are other options.” Tom smirked as you sat beside him.
“Maybe there are.” You shrugged as you avoided eye contact with him. Tom sensed your nerves and gently placed his hand on your knee.
“We don’t have to do anything. We can just put on the movie.” He said in a soft tone. You gave him an appreciative smile and put your hand on top of his. You stared at his face for a moment and decided to seize the moment.
“Yeah. Let’s just put on the movie.” You said as you leaned in to kiss him. Tom was quick to kiss you back as he cupped your face with his hands. The hat he’d put on your head fell to the floor as he laid you down on the bed. You tangled your fingers in his hair as you kissed him, something you’d been wanting to do again since the night of the party. His fingers unbuttoned the buttons of your cardigan and you felt his hand slip underneath your shirt. It was new, but you welcomed it. You slipped your hands under his jersey and scratched down his back, making him groan in your mouth. Tom began to trail kisses down your neck and just as he was about to unbutton your pants, you sat up.
“Wait.” You grabbed his hand and held it back as you struggled to catch your breath. Tom immediately retracted his hands and scooted back to give you some space.
“Sorry. Can we just…” You trailed off, unsure of how to explain yourself. You hugged your cardigan tighter around your body and drew your legs closer to yourself.
“You need to stop apologizing, darling.” Tom said softly as he rubbed your knee.
“I know. I just didn’t want you to be disappointed if you just came here to….you know.”
“I actually came here because I was promised to see a rat who can cook?” Tom said as he scratched the back of his head. “I’m not really sure when he’d be arriving? I was just kinda promised there would be a cooking rat and I have yet to see him. I was honestly thinking about him the entire time we were making out and I’d just really like to see him, please.”
“Tom.” You laughed and covered your face in embarrassment.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “It’s kinda rude to wave this magical cooking rat in my face and then not show him to me.”
You laughed again and felt all the tension leave your body. Tom noticed you relaxing and let out a content sigh.
“You always know what to say.” You said once your laughter died down.
“I don’t. I just say the dumbest thing I can think of and hope it makes you smile. Because no offense, you have a really beautiful smile. Best I’ve ever seen, really.”
You broke into a smile and shook your head at him. He could he unbelievably sweet when he wanted to be, and you loved every minute of it.
“All right. I’ll show you the rat. You earned it.” You sighed ostentatiously and grabbed your laptop. Tom crawled next to you in the bed but gave you some distance. You looked over your shoulder at him as an idea formed in your head. You sat up on your knees and situated yourself between his legs, wiggling your butt a little to make some more room for yourself. Tom blushed in surprised and wrapped his arms around you to get even closer. You placed the laptop on your tummy and hit play on the movie. You stayed in Tom’s arms until it was over and looked up at him when it was done.
“So what did you think?”
“It was good, yeah. It was good.” He nodded as he wiped his face with his hand.
“Are you crying?” You laughed and craned your neck to look at him.
“Are you judging me? That was a cinematic masterpiece. I never knew a rat could make me feel so much.”
“Here. Sorry I put you through that.” You chuckled and handed him a tissue from your nightstand.
“Don’t be sorry. I had a really good time.” He smiled down at you and hugged you closer to his body.
“So did I.” You sighed and relaxed against his chest. You stayed in his arms as the two of you talked until the sun began to set. You dragged your fingernails up and down his arm as you listened to him speak.
“Tell me something no one else knows about you.” You said as you looked up at him.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Something real. Something like - like who’s your favorite Alvin and the chipmunk?”
“I don’t know.” He laughed. “The blue one.”
“The blue one? Simon?”
“I don’t know their names.” He whined. “It wasn’t very popular in England.”
You laughed again and pulled your laptop back onto your lap. You typed something into Google and showed Tom what came up.
“These are the chipmunks.” You said as you pointed to the screen. Tom frowned and pulled your laptop closer to get a better look.
“I kinda hate the green one.” He said after a minute. “Like, I want to see him die.”
“Tom.” You laughed and sat up to look at him.
“I’m just saying. Look at him. He’s horrible. I want to punt him across a football field.”
You laughed again and covered your face with your hand.
“Don’t cover up.” He whined. “I want to see your pretty face.”
He moved your hands away from your face and replaced them with his own. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and before you knew it, he was kissing you. It wasn’t like the kiss from before, though. It was slower and sweeter and caused butterflies to erupt in your chest. When you pulled away, you smiled shyly and rested your forehead against his.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You asked as your fingers toyed with his sleeve.
“Sure. Anything.” Tom replied as his eyes gleamed with hope.
“Do you wear a jersey every day?”
“Not everyday. Sometimes I wear a hoodie when it’s cold.” Tom joked to hide the fact the he was disappointed. He thought you were going to ask him something deeper.
“Hm.” You folded your lips together and nodded as you eyed his jersey.
“Are you making fun of my attire? Because I can see penny loafers in your closet right now.” Tom said as he pointed to the open closet behind you.
“Don’t judge me.” You playfully gasped. “They’re comfortable.“
“So are jerseys.”
“How is this comfortable? It’s full of holes.” You pointed out as you tugged on his shirt. Your hands slid down a little and landed right on his bicep.
“Sorry.” You laughed nervously and took your hands away.
“It’s okay. You can touch if you want.” He said and flexed his muscles for you. You sucked in a short breath and put your hand back on his bicep. You gave it a squeeze and felt your mouth go dry.
“This is the most cliche thing I’ve ever taken part of.” You said as you continued to feel his muscle.
“Me too.” He laughed. “But I’m kinda into it.”
“Do you want to touch my arm?” You asked in your beta seductive voice. You pushed your cardigan off one shoulder to expose your arm, gasping ostentatiously as you did it. Tom laughed at your antics before jumping in with his own.
“Are you sure? It’s a little soon.” Tom played along and looked around for who might be listening.
“Shut up.” You playfully shoved him.
“You shut up.” He shoved you right back. He shoved a little too hard and you almost fell off the bed. He quickly caught you by the arms and pulled you closer to himself as you both laughed. When your laughter died down, you leaned in to kiss him again. You cupped his face with your hands this time and softly stroked his cheeks with your thumbs. When you pulled away, you kept his face between your hands.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Is it about my cargo shorts?”
“No.” You laughed. “What are we? Like what do you think of us as?”
“Oh.” He smirked. “This conversation.“
“I know.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m just curious what you’re thinking. I mean, you walk me to and from class everyday. We talk on the phone all the time. We make out on the occasion. What does that make us?”
“What do you want it to make us?” Tom asked, just as nervous about this conversation as you were.
“What do you want it to make us?”
“I have an answer.” Tom told you. “But I’m worried that it’s not the same as your answer so I don’t want to say it.”
“That’s why I don’t want to say my answer.” You laughed and pointed to yourself.
“Okay. Fine. I’ll be the brave one here.” He sighed sarcastically and held up his hands.
“Okay. Do it.” You challenged him. Tom took both your hands in his and gave them a squeeze.
“My darling.” He began. “If it’s cool with you, would you do me the honor of going steady with me?”
You broke into a grin when you heard the way he phrased the question. He could’ve just asked you to be his girlfriend, but that wasn’t good enough. He had to remind you that he was the good listener you thought of him as.
“That’s cool with me.” You nodded and rested your forehead against his again.
“Cool.” He smiled shyly but was reeling with excitement on the inside. You sighed happily and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
Tag List 🏷
@scenesofobx @martinaityte @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @spideyywife @white-wolf1940 @freakofmusic25 @comfortablemelancholy @beautifullmelodyxx
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#tom holland x reader#frat!tom holland x nerd!reader#frat!tom#frat!tom holland x nerdy!reader#frat boy!tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland x y/n#tom holland fluff#tom holland fanfiction
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Wicked Game ~ T.H
pairing: frat!Tom Holland x Reader
chapter two: shark week
The next morning, the sound of glass shattering followed by muffled cheering woke you up. Your eyes slowly fluttered open and when they did, they looked around the messiest room you had ever been in. There were clothes and beers cans all over the room, making you scrunch your nose in disgust. You looked down at Tom, who was still asleep. His hat got knocked off in the night and you could see his face better in the sunlight. You smiled to yourself and brushed some hair off his forehead. Then you looked down.
“Oh no.” You said in a grave voice. On Tom’s sheets, where you’d been sleeping, was a bright red stain. You looked down at your body as saw dried blood on the inside of your thighs, confirming your worst nightmare.
“Not this. Anything but this.” You whispered in a panic as you got out of the bed. You hastily looked around his room for some sort of cleaning product. Out of all the cans in Tom’s room, none of them were going to helpful to you in this situation. Tom’s stirred a little in his sleep and you felt your heart stop. You panicked and ran into his connected bathroom, locking the door behind you.
“Oh my God. Okay.” You blew out a breath. “It’s okay. You just got your period all over the sheets of a guy you just met. It’s okay.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror and took in your smudged party makeup and messy hair. You gripped your hair in shock and quickly tried to smooth it down. Then, you grabbed a baby wipe and gave yourself a quick whip down before going back to the mirror.
“This is not okay!” You whispered harshly. “You freaking ketchup packet. This is why you don’t sleep at a strangers house. You didn’t even wash your face last night. That’s disgusting! You’re disgusting.”
You gave yourself another look in the mirror before letting out a defeated sigh. You splashed some water on your face and braced yourself to go back out there and tell Tom what happened.
When you left the bathroom, you found the room empty with all the sheets stripped off the bed. Your heart stopped just as Tom came back into the room.
“Oh, hi darling.” He smiled at you. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I slept fine.” You smiled nervously and stared at the bed. “What, uh, what happened to the sheets?”
“Oh, yeah.” He laughed a little. “Sorry love, I had a wicked nose bleed last night. It got all over the sheets.”
“Nosebleed?” You frowned and looked at the bed again.
“Yeah. It used to happen all the time when I was little. I popped the sheets into the wash to get the blood out. Sorry about that.” He smiled warmly at you as he sat down on the stripped bed. He patted the spot beside himself so you would sit next to him. You wanted to sit beside him, but you didn’t want to get anymore blood on his bed. You gave him an awkward smile and tugged your dress down a little to cover your body.
“We both know you didn’t have a nosebleed.” You said quietly.
“Yeah.” He admitted. “I know. I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed.”
“Thanks.” You smiled a little. “I’m still embarrassed but I appreciate the effort.”
“Don’t be. And I really do get nosebleeds. Ever since I was a kid.”
“Thanks for being cool about this. I promise I don’t normally leave a trail of blood when I sleep.”
Tom laughed and you felt yourself relax a little. He got off his bed and went to his drawer to pull out some clothes.
“Here.” He held them out to you. “Why don’t you jump in the shower while I go get you some things?”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to put you to too much trouble. I can just walk back to my dorm.”
“I’m not sending you home like this. Take a shower. I’ll be right back.” He gave your arm a comforting squeeze and handed you his clothes.
“Thanks.” You smiled softly and took the clothes, accidentally putting your hand on top of his. You gulped as your eye flicked between your hands and Tom’s face. He started to lean in but you stepped back.
“Ah, I have morning breath.” You smiled shyly and covered your mouth with your hand.
“Ah, I don’t care.” He playfully imitated your tone before closing the gap between you. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as you wrapped an arm around his neck.
“Shampoo and conditioner are in the shower. And there should be a clean towel in my closet.” He told you when he pulled away.
“Okay. Thanks.” You smiled and hugged his clothes to your chest. Tom kissed your cheek before leaving the room. He walked to the nearby drug store and went straight to the pad isle. He stared at the options for a long time, having no idea what he was supposed to be looking for. Suddenly, one of his frat brothers, Brad, came up to him.
“There you are, T Bag.” Brad said as he dapped Tom up. “Did I see you talking to that fine piece of ass Y/n last night? I heard about the bet you guys have going on. Think you might win?”
“She’s not a piece of ass, mate. And keep your mouth shut about that bet.” Tom said as he looked around for who might be listening. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. What are you even doing here?”
“Getting Plan B for - what’s your name again?” Brad asked the girl he was with.
“Sasha.” She replied as she narrowed her eyes at Brad.
“Getting Plan B for Sarah. Again.” Brad said and rolled his eyes.
“Cool.” Tom nodded and gave Sasha a sympathetic look.
“Woah. What are you buying these for, T-bag? Did you cycle start?” Brad laughed and took the package of pads out of Tom’s hand.
“Shut up. They’re not for me.” Tom grumbled and took the package back.
“Oh I see. They’re for your lady.” Brad smirked. “That’s sucks, man. But I understand. You have to plug them up.”
“Dude.” Tom gave him a disgusted look and nodded towards Sasha to remind Brad that a girl was standing right there.
“I got this.” Sasha sighed and tapped Brad on the shoulder. She kneed him in the balls and took his wallet out of his pocket as he crumpled to the floor.
“What are you doing?” Brad groaned and struggled to sit up.
“Buying this with your credit card. Do us all a favor and get neutered or something. Your bloodline should end with you.” Sasha said as she took a box of Plan B off the shelf. Tom gave her an impressed look and a thumbs up. Sasha smiled at him before grabbing a box of pads off the shelf.
“Get her these. It’s the kind I use.” Sasha said and handed Tom the box.
“Thanks.” Tom smiled in appreciation and looked at the box.
“No problem. Y/n used to tutor me. She’s a cool girl. Take care of her.” Sasha winked at him before going to the cashier. Tom grabbed a few more things from the store before heading back to his room.
“Hey. I’m back.” He smiled at you when he saw you sitting on his bed. Your damp hair was hanging around your face and you were in a pair of Tom’s pajamas.
“Hey. Did you know your shower was disgusting?” You asked with a cheery tone as you squeezed your hair with a towel.
“Yeah. The campus cleaning lady never showed up.”
“There is no campus cleaning lady.”
“Really? Then how do the bathrooms get cleaned?”
“You clean them.”
“No I don’t.” He laughed like what you were saying was ridiculous.
“I can tell. Like, I almost stepped on glass in there.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, darling. That was from a dropped shower beer.”
“What’s a shower beer?”
“So I got you some pads.” He quickly changed the subject and opened the plastic bag.
“Thank you so much.” You smiled softly. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s no trouble. Here. I got you these weird American candies too. I heard girls like chocolate when they’re….incapacitated.” Tom said and pulled some candy out of the bag.
“Reese’s?” You chuckled at his description. “Thanks, Tom. I love these. You didn’t have to do that.”
You gave him an appreciative smile before going to the bathroom. You put the pad on and slipped the pants and underwear he had given you back on before going back to his room.
“Do you want to stay for breakfast?” Tom asked you. “I could try to make you something. And by that I mean I could give you a bowl of cereal.”
“Okay. Sure.” You smiled shyly. “But then I really have to get back. Peyton’s probably wondering where I am and I have a lot of homework due Monday.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever done homework.”
“I can see that about you.” You chuckled. “Can I borrow some socks? I’m a little terrified of what’s on these floors. No offense.”
“No offense taken.” Tom said as he walked to his sock drawer. “I’ve worn boots around here ever since I stepped in that bucket of live fish in the living room.”
“I’m not even gonna ask about that one.” You mumbled as you put on the socks.
“Come on. Let’s go see the damage from last night.” Tom nodded towards the door. Your heart pounded in your chest as you walked through the frat house. It looked a lot different in the daylight, especially now that the party was over. There were people sleeping on the ground with expletive drawings on their faces drawn in sharpie. You tripped over a bong and grabbed on your Toms arm to keep yourself up. Just as you were about to let go, Tom slipped his hand into yours and squeezed it.
“Good morning. This is Y/n, everyone.” Tom said as you walked into the kitchen together. You gulped and stepped closer to Tom as four hungover frat boys stared at you like a deer with two heads. Suddenly, Harrison broke into a grin.
“Awwww yeahhh. T-bag got some.” He cheered and raised his hand to high five Tom. Tom gave him an angry look and he slowly lowered his hands at the rest of the boys cheered. They started to bark like dogs as they punched the air, making you look at Tom in confusion.
“Guys, stop. We have to stop doing this. It’s so barbaric.” Tom groaned as she shushed his frat brothers.
“Wait, this is Y/n?” Harry realized. “No way. There is no way you already won the-“
“Ha ha. Shut up Harry.” Tom forced a laugh as he put a hand over Harry’s mouth. He started to whisper something to Harry as you looked through their cabinets.
“Do you guys have any pans?” You asked.
“No.” Harrison shook his head.
“Do you have bowls?“ You asked and opened another cabinet.
“There’s a communal frisbee you’re welcome to use.” Sam chimed in.
“Do you have forks here?” You wondered. “Or any utensils?”
“No.” Harry shrugged as they a shook their heads. You nodded your head and went to open their refrigerator.
“You only keep beer in here?” You turned around and looked at them in disappointment.
“We have hot sauce too.” Sam pointed out.
“You know what? Why don’t we go to the dining hall? I’m sure they’ll have something there.” Tom suggested and went back over to you.
“Great idea.” You laughed as he tugged you out of the house. You threw on a pair of his sneakers and went outside with him, holding hands the whole time.
“I’m so sorry about them. They’re not usually like that.” Tom sighed as you walked towards the dining hall.
“They are, aren’t they?“
“They’re so much worse.” Tom admitted. “I think they were just tame today because they’re hungover.”
You laughed and gave Tome hand a squeeze. You never imagined you’d be walking around campus, holding the hand of a frat boy, but here you were. You walked to the dining hall together and brought your food outside to eat. You worried now that you were both sober and in a regular setting, Tom would lose interest. You seemed to have the opposite effect, as he was laughing loudly at everything you said as you got to know each other. You checked your watch at one point and Tom saw your eyes go wide.
“Damn. It’s already 12. I really have to get back to work now.” You said as you stood up.
“Can I get your number? I’d really like to do this again sometime.” Tom asked as he got up as well.
“By “this” do you mean making out followed by me bleeding out on your sheets?” You laughed in embarrassment.
“Hey, you did me a favor. I haven’t washed those sheets in weeks.” Tom joked as he stepped closer to you.
“Ew.” You scrunched your nose just as he was bringing his hands to your face. He kissed you again, and you couldn’t help but notice that he was always the one to initiate it. You briefly considered that you’d been sent to a parallel universe where the popular frat boy fell for the campus nerd. Even if you were in a parallel universe, you were gonna enjoy it.
“Maybe we can dirty up your sheets next time.” He smiled softly when he pulled away. He held his hand out and you put your phone into it.
“Okay. It’s a date.” You bit back a smile as he put his number in your phone. He gave you his phone so you could do the same.
“Oh, did you want your clothes back?“ You asked once you had your phone back.
“Give them back to me on Monday.” He shrugged as he started waking back towards the frat house.
“What’s Monday?” You called after him.
“Our date. After your homework is due.” He shouted back and shot you a wink. You covered your mouth with your hand and turned around to muffle the excited squeal that came out of your mouth. You practically skipped back to your dorm, still high on the ecstasy of your entire encounter with Tom.
“So. Are we looking at our next fraternity president?” Harry smirked when Tom came back into the house.
“No. She didn’t tell me she loves me, so.” Tom shrugged and hoped they’d drop the topic. He was already feeling guilty about the bet and didn’t need his frat brothers making him feel worse.
“But you slept with her right?” Sam asked as all the boys looked to Tom with high expectations.
“No. We just like made out and cuddled and shit.”
“Dude.” Harry scrunched his face. “Cuddling?”
“Are you gay? Be honest.” Harrison chimed in. “It’s totally cool if you are, we just want to know.”
“No.” Tom rolled his eyes. “She didn’t want to have sex so we just talked until she fell asleep.”
“If she didn’t want to have sex, why didn’t you just kick her out?” One of the other boys, Trent, asked as he looked at Tom in disgust.
“I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t want to kick her out.” Tom looked at Trent in annoyance.
“No. I know why.” Harry smirked. “T- bags in love.”
“Oooo. T-bags in love with the nerdy goth girl.” Harrison grinned and clapped Tom on the back.
“Shut up.” Tom pushed him away. “She’s not goth. She just likes to wear black. And I’m not in love with her. She’s like a total loser. All she did was talk about movies the whole time.”
Tom immediately felt bad for what he said, but he couldn’t risk losing the approval of his frat brothers. If they knew he actually liked a girl like you, he’d never hear the end of it. He had a reputation he had to uphold and you were a direct threat to his image.
“She did? Uh oh. Film geek.” Trent snorted and collected a few high fives. Tom didn’t think “film geek” was the legendary insult his frat brothers seemed to think it was, but kept quiet about that.
“Yeah. She’s like totally obsessed with me. She asked to see me again Monday.” Tom continued to lie, not even knowing why he was doing it. Once he started, he couldn’t stop. He could tell he had the respect of the room and was determined to keep it.
“Are you gonna go?“ Harry wondered.
“I guess I have to if I want to win this bet.” Tom shrugged. He felt bad for acting like the date wasn’t his idea, and ever worse for the picture he was painting of you.
“Damn. You were right.” Harry shook his head. “You gave her the slightest bit of attention and she’s already on your ass trying to get you to put a ring on it.”
“Yeah. And get this. She totally bled all over my sheets.” Tom said, regretting it the second he did. The boys burst out laughing while some pretended to throw up. Tom realized that that information was only funny when it was just between the two of you. He knew he had no right to tell them that but now that it was out, he could never put it back in.
“Ew. She got her period in your sheets?” Trent asked as he covered his mouth with his hand.
“Yeah. Just a little though.” Tom said in an attempt to back track. “It was nothing. It could’ve been a nosebleed for all I know.”
“Guys.” Trent gasped. “Shark Week. That’s the perfect name for her.”
“Yeah. Shark Week. Nice one.” Harrison laughed and high fived Trent. Tom felt sick to his stomach for what he just did. He looked around at his frat brothers making fun of you and gulped.
“So all you have to do is get Shark Week to fall in love with you and then you get to be President.” Harry shrugged. “That should be easy since she sounds so clingy.”
“Yeah. Clingy.” Tom laughed weakly as the pit in his stomach grew. He felt his phone buzz and saw that he had a text from an unsaved number. As soon as he read it, he knew it was you. And all it did was make his guilt worsen.
“thanks for everything. I’ll see you Monday :)”
Tag list 🏷
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The frat party | t.h.
Title: The frat party
Pairing: Frat boy!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1859
Warnings: OC Elizabeth (Lizzie), fake dating/relationship trope, language, fluff
Summary: Tom and the reader met at a frat party, but a year later they broke up because of some reason. Now, rumor has it that the reader is dating one of Tom’s friends and he gets jealous.
A/N: Hello hello, enjoy the new chapter! Sorry for the waiting, guys, but I hope that I made it up to you. Just let me know your thoughts about this chapter!
If you wanna be tagged in my Tom Holland fics, just let me know in my ask box! You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer!
Taglist: @webmeupspiderdaddy
Read chapter 1 here!
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Story under the cut!
Chapter 2
Rumor has it
“So, guys, rumor has it that…”
“Stop!” Tom exclaimed, interrupting Harrison. “Everytime you say that sentence, something hurts me and I really wanna miss that opportunity today. I’m already angry at myself because of what happened with Oliver,” he said, lighting a cigarette while sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Smoking makes you even more annoying than usual, Tom,” Harrison said. Tom sighed.
“Oliver makes me like that. He’s still flirting with Y/N, even if he should know by now that she’s mine. I mean, she will be mine again. My girl,” he said, with a soft smile on his face. “Ouch”.
“Still hurts?”
“Yeah, a bit,” Tom answered, brushing his bottom lip where Oliver hurt him.
Jacob suddenly opened the door, a big smile on his face. Tom and Harrison looked at him with suspicion.
“What happened, Jacob?” Harrison asked.
“So, rumor has it that…”
“Oh, fuck me,” Tom sighed, laying his back on the bed. Harrison chuckled.
“I was saying: rumor has it, that there will be a huge frat party at the end of the year to celebrate the older students like us, that will graduate soon and Lizzie asked me to come with her,” he said, happily.
“Lizzie as in Elizabeth? Y/N’s friend?” Tom asked and Jacob nodded.
“She looked a lot like Y/N last year, I thought they were twins. Now she has changed her hair color, at least,” Harrison said.
“The most important things is that she likes me!” Jacob exclaimed. “Be happy for me just once, guys. I deserve it”.
“You’re right Jacob, you do,” Tom said, giving him a pat on his back.
Somebody knocked at the door. Harrison went to open it and found someone who Tom would have been very glad to see. In fact, he jumped from the bed instantly, throwing the unlit cigarette in the trash.
“Hey darling, what are you doing here?”
You sighed, looking at him.
“I have an unseemly proposal for you and you can’t say no”.
“A fake relationship?”
After Tom had sent his friends away, you sat down on his bed in front of him to discuss about the details.
“Look, I didn’t want to do this, but Oliver’s still flirting with me and I have to cut this. He would leave me alone only if he’d see that we’re back together, I’m sure of it. Also, you literally proposed this to me last time, so… Wow, that’s really unpleasant. It must hurt,” you said suddenly, staring at his lip. You moved a hand to reach the wound, but then you stopped. You gazed at him. “Can I?”
Tom nodded. So you brushed it with your fingertip, thinking about how much it costed him to protect you even after your break up. How much it hurt. You swallowed, melancholy threatening to eat you alive. He had closed his eyes for a second. A very long second. Like you at the party. Maybe standing this close to him wasn’t a good idea.
“So, what do you think?” You asked, withdrawing your arm.
Tom shrugged.
“I agree,” he said.
“Just like that? You don’t want something in return?”
“As you said, I suggested it in the first place, so I totally agree with it,” he said. Then, he got dangerously close to you, so close that you thought he wanted to kiss you on the lips – and, in fact, he smirked –, but he didn’t. He left you a light kiss on your cheek instead, before whispering these words in your ear: “I’m gonna get you back, Y/N. One way or another,”
You ran away from there like a wolf was chasing you to eat you.
You were looking at Zendaya, hands clasped in prayer, begging her to help you. You and Tom had decided to go out as in a date in order to convince Oliver that the two of you were, in fact, back together. Lizzie was already somewhere with Jacob, so you had just Zendaya left to pick the outfit for the evening. She didn’t like that kind of stuff, mostly because because didn’t agree to your plan, but you were too desperate to let it go. She would have helped you at the end. Well, that was your hope anyway.
“Please, Z,” you basically begged her.
She rolled her eyes, arms crossed, but then she nodded. You tried to give her a kiss, but she moved away.
“You know what? This will be a dumb outfit for a dumb plan,” she said, while opening your closet.
“Z, I just…”
“You know why? Because the second, the second, Tom will try to kiss you, you’ll fall for it. Again”.
“I thought that he was your friend too,” you said, showing her a dress, but she shaked her head.
“He is, but I don’t know if he’s the right pick for you. I don’t condone what you did to him,” she said and you gulped, “but he’s not exactly an angel either. He ruined a lot of relationships even before he met you. That’s who he is,” she continued.
You sat on the edge of the bed, while she was looking for something that you could wear.
“Maybe he’s not like that anymore. People grow up, Z,” you said.
“Oh, yeah? Have you?” She asked you, turning around. You swallowed. “That’s what I thought. Don’t come to me when he’ll screw things up again. Or when you will” she stated, then she showed you the outfit. You looked at it with a sparkle in your eyes. “We have found it”.
You showered, wore the outfit and prepared in less than an hour. You were trying to wear your shoes, when Zendaya opened the door to Tom. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a red flannel on it and some ripped jeans. You waved at him, while grabbing your bag. You told Zendaya not to wait for you and then you smiled at Tom, ready to go.
“Are you still smoking?”
“Sometimes,” he answered. “Where’s Oliver tonight?”
“He posted on Instagram an hour ago, so I assume that he’s still with Jacob and Lizzie somewhere in the campus,” you said, looking at your phone.
“Well, so we have some time,” he said with a smirk. He took your hand and you felt shivers running down your spine.
“What are you doing, Tom?”
“Come on darling, if we have to pretend, then we have to make it believable. What’s worse than seeing the girl you like having fun with someone else?” He asked and you noticed a lightning passing through his eyes.
Then, without even realizing it, you found yourself running with Tom all over the campus. That alone made you laugh, because you felt like a little girl. If you had to describe Tom in one word, you would have said he was light. Not because it was always sunny, but because of the way it managed to get you out of the darkness you found yourself in sometimes. He pulled you out of the darkness and made you feel alive, everytime. He was the only one who could do it. Sometimes you wondered why you gave up on him, in fact. Because you had given up on the light, you, who often felt like a full moon in a dark and gloomy sky. He brought you in a part of the campus that seemed a minigolf. Maybe he and his friends had created it, since Tom loved playing golf very much. He gave you a golf club, urging you to try your hand at it.
“I’m not a good player, Tom,” you said, shaking your head.
“I’m still chasing you, right? So I wouldn’t say so,” he replied, leaving you speechless. “I was joking. Come on, let me show you,” he said.
It seemed so cliché, letting him touch you, teaching you to play, celebrate with him every victory of yours… You could have had it, a year ago. That. Tom. All yours. But you gave up on everything. It was your biggest mistake.
“Tom, it’s time. I think that we should go back. Oliver and the others could be coming to their rooms right now,” you said. Tom seemed a bit sad at your words, but only for a moment. It was hard to see an emotion flash on his face.
He nodded.
“Whatever you want, darling,” he said.
You wanted to say something else, but you closed your mouth before you could actually do it. The two of you came back and fortunately, you found Oliver with Lizzie and Jacob still hanging out. You caught Jacob attention and waved him, while Tom was smooth to hold your hand. You turned around in order to tell him something, but he was quick. One second later, her was kissing you and there was something in your stomach, like a knot, that slowly loosened its grip. You felt a weird sensation, a sort of relief. You could feel Oliver’s eyes trying to burn Tom’s skin, Jacob saying Let’s go and your blood boiling in your veins like lava.
When Tom broke the kiss, he ran his thumb over your lips, looking at them with a sort of melancholy. Fake relationships are a beautiful dream, but waking up is from them a nightmare.
“I think that he got the message,” he said, taking a step back from you. He lit a cigarette, clenching his jaw.
“This is not a joke to me, Tom. It’s not something I’m doing just for him,” you said.
“No? Then explain what all of this is to me, darling,” he replied, throwing out some smoke like it was his anger.
“Yeah,” you said, but then you bit your inner cheek.
“What’s stopping you, Y/N? What are you hiding from me?” He asked, scanning your face. “Are you ashamed of something? Maybe it’s what you did, you know, the whole cheatingthing… or maybe it’s admitting that you still have feelings for me that brings you shame”.
“No, I’m not ashamed,” you said, determined.
“Then talk to me, darling. What’s happening?”
“I can’t tell you, Tom, I’m sorry,” you said, looking around. It was like you needed some air, even if you were outside. That secret didn’t make you breath anymore.
“What? That you liked throwing all away? That he didn’t make you feel like I did? That you weren’t done playing with me? Just tell me something, Y/N, anything would be better than this fucking silence,” he said, raising his voice.
“I didn’t cheat on you!” You yelled. Tom’s eyes grew wide. Everything around you two seemed now quiet, motionless. You covered your mouth with your hands, maybe to erase what you just said. “Fuck”.
Tom stared at you for a good couple of minutes. He looked at your tired and tearful eyes, perhaps thinking whether to believe you or not, then he did something unexpected: he put out his cigarette. He walked over to you, raking your face in his hands and looked into your eyes, this time more intensely. He looked tired and incredibly older.
“Now you’re gonna tell me everything, darling”.
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